Ch. 9 - My Little (Punk) Angel

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*Luke's P.O.V*

Even right from the first time I laid eyes on him, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't head-over-heels in love with Michael Clifford.

I've always had the biggest crush on him, but he's always been the popular guy, while I got labeled the school 'freak'... So of course he was always going to turn me down for a date.

That's why I turned him down when he asked me out the other day... I thought it was some prank or he was being dared or something... I mean, as if he really wanted to date the school freak.

The next day he tried again, and I was about to tell him to piss off when I saw all the cuts on his arms, and I couldn't breath all of a sudden... The love of my life had hurt himself... And for some reason, I figured it was my fault...

I tried to find out why he did it, and told him he didn't need to do it again... And then turned him down when he asked me out again... Fail, Luke, you fucking moron.

The next day, before lunch, I heard some kids talking about how Michael wouldn't talk to anyone, not even the teachers... So I decided I needed to do something to help him.

So he wouldn't actually talk to me when I found him sitting alone at lunch, but he didn't ignore me... He just replied with facial expressions and what not.

Then, at the risk of getting rejected, I asked him on a date... And to my surprise, his face literally lit up! So I suggested we skip the rest of the day to hang out.

He didn't make a sound the whole time, he just listened to me ramble on about whatever garbage I was telling him... But he seemed interested, and happy to just listen.

We were looking at clouds and I pointed out one that was right above us in the shape of a love heart, Michael was looking up at it, smiling like an idiot... And I just forgot where I was for a moment and... Kissed him.

Best kiss of my life!

I tried to ask Michael out the next day... But he said no... And I could feel my heart shattering to pieces... But then I noticed he still wasn't talking and gave him my number and told him to contact me if he changed his mind.

I had English with Ashton after lunch and decided to try and find out what was wrong with Michael. He was hesitant to speak to me at first, but eventually he gave in.

"This has happened before" he told me quietly, "It's called selective mutism, it's an anxiety disorder and something must have triggered it, because it's normally not this bad.. Obviously.. But I'm not sure what it was".

The next day Michael asked if my offer was still there, and it obviously was... So, at the risk of getting my license taken off of me if I got caught, I drove over to pick him up.

I met his mum, she seemed really nice... And she was shocked that I could understand the things he couldn't say... Which shocked me because I thought it was obvious what he was trying to say... Obviously not to everyone else...

Maybe I'm just the only person to actually pay full attention to him. I focus on the small things, like the way his hands fidget when he's nervous or unsure about something, or the way his eyes light up when something makes him happy, or the way he gets impatient when he wants to go somewhere... Or the fact that something's obviously bothering him...

Whatever it is that's bothering Michael, I'm going to help him through it, wether he wants me to or not.

I love him.

He's my cute little angel... Or my cute little punk angel, I should say.

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