Ch. 21 - School Sucks.

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"I thought you were cool, Michael, but you're just a stupid fag" Vic, one of my so called 'friends' spits before his hand connects with the side of my face. Pain shoots up the side of my face and brings tears to my eyes.

"Don't touch him!" Luke begs. I look down at him and blink away the tears, he's pinned to the ground and being sat on by Pete & Rian.

"Shut up, fag!" Vic spits. At that, I lash out at him, slapping him right across the face, the crowd around us gasps and snickers.

"Don't touch him" someone snaps as they grab my arms from behind and hold them behind my back. It's Jaime.

"Oh, look, it's Vic's boyfriend here to rescue him" Luke jokes, and I wince as Pete thumps him over the head.

"I'm not his boyfriend" Jaime snaps, his grip around my wrists tightening.

"Maybe you should be, you'd make a cute couple" Luke smirks.

"Why I ought to-" Jaime growls as he lets go of me and starts towards Luke. His sentence is cut of by Ashton grabbing him by the back of the shirt and knocking him to the ground.

"Listen!" Ashton growls as he sticks his foot on Jaime's chest to hold him down, "Don't fucking touch my friends".

"Where the fuck did he come from?!" Vic mutters to himself, only loud enough for me to hear. He still had the top of my shirt bunched up in his hand.

"Or you'll have us to deal with" Calum finishes Ashton's sentence, suddenly standing beside me. Vic practically jumps six feet in the air in fright, he'd been too busy watching Ashton to notice Calum sneak up.

"Why would you stand up for them?!" Pete spits.

"Because-" Calum says, leaving my side to walk over to Ashton, "We are two of them" he finishes, right before he and Ashton kiss, right in front of everyone.

Vic let's go of my shirt and I quickly run over to Calum, who wraps his arms around me protectively.

"L-Let Jaime go!" Vic orders, sounding more pleading than he meant to sound.

Ashton removes his foot and takes a step back. Jaime quickly jumps to his feet and scampers over to Vic to half hide behind him.

The two of them run off. "Shit" Pete & Rian curse together as they jump up and run off as well.

Ashton rushes to Luke's side and helps him get to his feet. "You can all fuck off now" he snaps at everyone.


Dear Stupid Diary,

They found out... I don't know how but they did... And they weren't happy about it.

I have bruises all over my body... So does Luke...

People are horrible, school sucks... I hate my life.

Kill me now... Please.

- Michael x

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