Ch. 16 - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

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Dear Stupid Diary,

It's like 5:40am and I can't sleep...

Luke was snoring when I pulled myself away from him and snuck out of his room.

Now I'm just sitting on his couch, writing in the flashlight on my iPhone... While listening to 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams' by Green Day on repeat... Because I can...

I don't really know what to say... But I needed something to pass the time... And I've found that writing these little entries actually make me feel a little better... Which makes me feel bad about writing 'Dear Stupid Diary'... It's just that when I first started writing these things.. I did think it was stupid...

Anyway... Last night, Luke & I helped his mum make homemade pizza, which tasted amazing!!

Then, after diner, the two of us watched a movie called 'The Possession Of Michael King'.... It's a horror movie... It was a little creepy... Luke screamed like a girl (don't tell him I said that).

... I should probably get back into Luke's room before he wakes up and starts looking for me... I don't want to find me writing in a journal.

- Michael x


"Yes! I win again" Luke cheers, throwing his hands up in victory.

"Yeah, righto, rub it in" Calum scoffs.

I just roll my eyes at Luke.

"You know, if you guys were playing FIFA, Calum would be the one whooping your arse" Ashton tells Luke with a laugh.

"Yeah, let's play FIFA" Calum shouts.

"I don't have FIFA" Luke mumbles. Calum gasps dramatically and Ashton & I stare at each other with a look that says 'Oh shit'.

"Why not?!" Calum asks in distress.

"Because I never brought it?" Luke says in confusion.

"How can you not have it?!" Calum asks in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" Luke asks him, he turns to me, "Is he serious?".

I nod as if to say 'oh yeah, he's serious'.

"Michael, you're my only sane friend!" Calum tells me dramatically, "Ashton doesn't like FIFA, and Luke doesn't own it".

I roll my eyes dramatically and grin at him.

"Okay, let's just watch a movie" Ashton laughs.

"Good idea, movies are right there, feel free to pick" Luke laughs, pointing towards the DVD case beside the TV.

Ashton & Calum practically pounce towards the case to pick a movie. I roll my eyes and flop down on Luke's bed, leaning against the pillows at the head of the bed.

Calum & Ashton sit at the foot of the bed and start flipping through the DVDs while Luke changes the channel on the TV.

"I'm sure you know how to work a DVD player" Luke says to Calum & Ashton as he walks over to me.

"Uh-huh" they both nod together.

Luke sits on the bed beside me and leans close to my face. I just stare at my lap, pretending to ignore him, only to look up and kiss him after only a few seconds.

"I love you" Luke whispers. We kiss again. "I love you". Another kiss. "I love you". Another kiss.

"Stop that" Calum snaps, turning around to face us.

"Why?" Luke asks with an innocent smile.

"It's annoying, we get it, you love him, now shhh, we are going to watch 'LOL', okay?" Calum tells him.

"The one with Miley Cyrus?" Luke asks.

"Yep, that one" Calum laughs.

Luke gives me one more kiss before snuggling up to me, resting his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around me.

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