Chapter 8

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After I while Fef finally texted back. I turned my phone on and she had texted.

"Want to go get some icecream today?"

I sighed a replied back "sure"
It's not like I was doing anything else today.

I grabbed the bed to help me get off it. I walked into the bathroom and glanced at the razor on the side of the sink. I reached for it, but stopped myself. Might as well make myself useful today and not cut.

I grabbed a towel and some clothes and hopped in the shower. I turned it really cold and mostly just thought what it would be like to date sol.

Although he's usually a idiot to me, I bet if he wasn't he'd be a nice boyfriend. Maybe I could try fef again... I just, need somebody who cares.

I got out of the shower after I had shampooed and cleaned myself. I put my clothes on and brushed my teeth.

After, I walked to my bed and picked up my phone. Fef had texted me again.

"Ok, meet me at Tony's Ice Cream, at 3:00, see you t)-(ere! Glub!"

I smiled slightly and looked at the time, 2:12. Wow I slept in. Guess my brain just wanted to torcher me with that dream.

I went down stairs and was greeted by cronus. "Hevy Eridann" he said and smiled.

"Hey" I said and grabbed my scarf and started to head towards the door.

"Vwhere are yovu goin?" He said confused.

"To the icecream place with fef" I said and opened the door.

"I'll be back at 4:30" I said and closed it, stopping him from saying anything to me.

I grabbed the car keys out of my pocket and got in the car. I turned it on and started to drive there.

That's when it all went down hill. A car to my right swung in front of mine. It hit my car, and that's when.. I blacked out.

I swear I am the cruelest author ever. I'm so sorry. But I hope you guys.. Liked it? Be sure to vote and leave a comment! Love you! 💕

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