Chapter 13

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Eridans pov

I grab my phone by the side of the hospital bed and look at all the texts I've been getting.

I widened my eyes in surprise and went to Feferi's number and called her.

"o)-( my glub! are you alrig)-(t??!"
"yes fef im fine,"
"-Everybody misses you!"
I freeze up.
"evverybody... Misses me?"
"m)-(m! A lot of people do! -Everybody is talking about you!"
"like wwho?" I laugh slightly.
She pauses for a minute.
"Well, sol."
I instantly stop.
"wwhat do you mean...?"
I'm completely confused.

"Well, )-(e keeps talking about you to me. I mean, for glubs sakes )-(e talks about you everyday! )-(e said your actually kind of cute...!"

I can feel my face flush up.

"Ah.. Uh.. Fef I gotta go"

I hang up and put my phone on the table, my heart is racing and I look out the window.... Sol.. Said I was cute..?

OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG. I hope this makes up your day though?? Cx ilyasm 💕

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