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"What are you dressed up as, Mr. Graves? A sad old man?" - Maggie

Maggie: "Are you a gay butler?"

Will in a mime costume: *winks*

Ms. Perkins: "Write a 2-sentence horror story."

John: "I woke up one morning. I was skinny."

Gavin: "I opened a packet of Kool-Aid. It wasn't watermelon flavored." *slams hand on table* "It was cherry!"

"That voiceover would be so much better if it was done by a gay guy. Like, 'I woke up at like, 12:07 A.M., and this shadow came and like, unzipped my pants. And then they killed me.'" - Gavin

Ms. Perkins: "I'm completely gray up here."

Andrew: "That's okay, because Johnathan Norwood is your grandma."

"I'm dressed up like Andrew." - Lowen

Maggie: "He chucked tea at me."

Me: "That's what he threw at you?"

"Simba looking thick today, damn!" - Gillian

"We are so iconic. We got a Mormon, Annabeth, Simba, and a fucking clown." - Maggie

"Bit windy out today, eh? Almost lost me hat! 'Appy Halloween!" - Lowen in a British Isles accent throughout the entirety of trick or treat

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