Words I couldn't say

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(Before the time heist and vormir, Steve and Nat talk for a while before they leave.)
Steve stood outside Natasha's door. He was never usually lost for words but right now he couldn't even form a proper sentence. His head was a mess, thinking of everything that could go wrong tomorrow. He had something he wanted to get off his chest to Nat, but he couldn't find the words to say it to her. Before he could think anymore, Natasha opened the door, and a smile widened on her face as she seen who stood in front of her.

Natashas POV:
"Hi," I was so glad it was Steve. I had something I wanted to say to him, but I was too afraid too. It was something that I hadn't even thought of saying to anyone before, and it scared me.

Steves POV:
"Are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna come in?" Natasha laughed as she said this. I stepped through the door, my head still spinning. "Your pretty chipper considering what gonna happen tomorrow" I said, with a slight smile growing, Nat had that impact on me.
"Beats moping around the compound for a day, don't you think?" She said with a smirk
"Well your not wrong." She never was. Natasha had this effect on you were once you seen her you couldn't help but smile, and I almost hated her for it. Well, more like the opposite. I loved her for it. I love her.

Natashas POV:
I looked at Steve, my head full of thoughts about what could go wrong. But I pushed them all down and focused on Steve. He was the epitome of a perfect person, and I almost hated him for it. Well, more like the opposite. I loved him for it. I love him. I loved everything about him, and I hated myself for doing so but I just couldn't help it.

Authors POV:
They sat for what felt like hours just talking and laughing. They were never sad when they were together. Steve still hadn't said what he had came to say. He was too afraid. Same for Natasha. Eventually Steve left to go to sleep. They hadn't said what they wanted to say. A she closed her room door he whispered to himself
"I love you,Nat."
Natasha slumped on her bed, her head pounding. As she turned over to go to sleep she whispered to herself
"I love you, Steve."

((Time skip to after vormir))

"Clint where's Nat?"questioned Bruce, worriedly.
Clint sunk to his knees. They all knew exactly what this meant. Clint looked to Steve with eyes that were apologetic. What did he know?
Steve couldn't hear what happened next, and he didn't much care. He couldn't wrap his head around that fact that she was gone.
Natasha Romanoff was dead.
Without Steve realising, tears began pouring out of his eyes, Tony rushed over.
"Hey hey hey cap, it's ok"
Steve sunk to his knees and let out a cry so raw and filled with emotion that the others we scared. Steve had never been like this, Not even when Agent Carter died.
They all sat outside, everyone in tears. But no one was a bad as Steve. The tears wouldn't stop. He hadn't cried this much since Bucky's 'death'. Hearing his sobs made everyones heart's break even more, especially Clint. He knew. He knew how Natasha felt. He had to tell him. When they were all leaving, Clint stayed behind to tell Steve.
"Y'know, she loved you so so much, she'd hate to see you like this. I'm so sorry Cap."
Steve turned around, eyes red raw from crying.
"Please, please tell me your not lying."
"Not one bit Steve, she loved you more than she loved anyone else, even herself. She was so in love with you Cap."
Steve red face curled into a half smile hearing these words. She was so in love with you.
"She was going to tell you before we left, but she didn't, I don't know why."
"So was I." Said Steve, his tears had resumed.
Clint was shocked. Suddenly it all came together. "Cap, I'm so sorry."
Steve just gave Clint a hug, which Clint reciprocated.
The next day, Steve went to the memorial they had made for her.
Natalia Alianovna Romanova, The Avengers Strongest Avenger.
Steve just smiled.
"I love you Nat."
"I love you so much."

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