Bet on it

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"Alright my darling friends, we are playing spin the bottle and there will be no objections, Bruce."Tony exclaimed to the group.
Since he had already said no objections, no one said anything and so the game began.
Heres the thing, Tony had a bet with everyone. Everyone except Steve and Natasha. See the bet was that Steve and Natasha would end up finally getting together by the end of the night if the bottle landed on them. Sam, Bucky, Tony, Clint and Wanda had bet that they will, Thor and Bruce said they wouldn't.
"Banner your up,"said Stark, gesturing towards the bottle.
Bruce spun it and after a few seconds it landed on...
"Hammertime, nice choice Doctor!"
Bruce went a bright shade of red, sighed, and kissed the asgardian right on the lips, followed by cheers and laughter. Thor was in a daze for a good five minutes, bright red and at a loss for words.
Tony spun next, and the bottle landed on Clint, They did a very over the top, almost scripted make out session then they both sat down laughing their asses off.
The game continued, sam and bucky, tony and thor, bruce and clint, bucky and tony, thor and steve, nat and wanda , bucky and clint, then the bottle was passed to steve again and it landed on...
"Widow, excellent choice capsicle, get in there!"
Steve and Natasha froze, this could not be happening. They had feelings for each-other, not that the other knew about, and had been best friends for years. Then, without warning, Natasha sighed, strode over to Steve, grabbed the hem of his shirt and kissed him passionately for about 4 seconds, then sat back down, both their faces bright red.
Tony was laughing like a madman "Wow red, very...passionate there with the old man, any reason?"
Natasha shot a venomous glare at Tony, who very quickly let the subject go.
The game continued, Natasha and Steve both getting more jealous every time the other had to kiss someone else, but they didn't know why they were jealous.
Then once again the bottle set the two up again, but this time there was no rushed interaction, this time it was slow,but short.
Tony leaned over to whisper to bruce "I have the feeling that you will be handing me 100 dollars my good man."
Bruce sighed, Tony might be right, and that is not something that he thought often.
The game disbanded after tony and clints over exaggerated round two.
Natasha sat down at the bar and ordered a shot of vodka and sighed to herself.
"Feelings." she hated the things, but she couldn't help but feel giddy after kissing Steve twice in such a short amount of time. She couldn't stop smiling, and Tony seen this. He strode over to the bar
"Whats got you in such a good mood Red?"
"None of your business Stark thats what,"replied Natasha, trying to sound cold, but failing.
"Yeah, Ok I guessed you would say that, you seen Cap anywhere?"
"Nope, haven't seen him since the end of the game, why?"
"What reasons Stark?"
"None of your business Romanoff thats the reason," Said Tony, mocking her previous response. She suppressed a laugh and Tony went to find Steve. She decided to stay put, she still wasn't over the initial shock of the game. All their interactions were rushed, and part of her wished they could have another, one more slow and passionate. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, and went to mingle with the others. She sat down in between Wanda and Clint, who were absolutely wasted.
"Natashaaaaa.. where'd you gooooo?" slurred Clint,"you were gone foreverrrr..."
"I was gone for five minutes Clint."
After a while, Tony and Steve walked back through the door. Natasha laughed.
"You two get lost in each-others eyes again?"
"Oh why yes Romanoff I do have gorgeous eyes,"replied Tony smirking.
Wanda and Clint had moved back to the bar, so Steve sat beside Natasha. They talked and laughed for ages, until they were the only ones left in the room.
"I don't know if anyones said this already Nat, but you look very nice."
"Thanks Rogers, you don't look to bad yourself."
They laughed and laughed for hours at nothing in particular. Nat's head ended up on Steves lap, which neither of them complained about.
"You know Steve, you really are the best. I mean like your kind, your smart, your hot, like your the whole package man, and like I'm absolutely plastered right now so i don't care so I'm just gonna say it now. Im so fucking in love with you, and everyday I love you more and more. You literally occupy my every thought and I hate you so much for it. And if you don't feel the same way thats fine but even just kissing you during that game nearly drove me crazy! And your way to good for me so none of this even matters, oh my God why did I say this I'm so stupid I-"
She was cut off by Steve kissing her deeply. After a few seconds she melted into the kiss, running her hands through his hair.
After a few minutes, they stopped.
"I love you, Nat, more than anything."
Natasha's smile could have been seen from the moon. She grabbed his face and pulled him in for another kiss, trying not to smile while doing so.
They eventually broke apart and ran to her room to continue where they left off.
The next day, Bruce and Thor were down $100.

((this is so bad im so sorry but this took me ages so :)))) ))

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