Til Death do us Start

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Natasha closed her eyes as she began to fall...and fall... and fall. A single tear escaped her eye. All her promises, all her friends, all her unspoken words, in a matter of moments, every opportunity was snatched away from her.
"See you in a minute."
Those last words she had said to Steve rung in her ears. Steve Rogers. One of her best friends. She promised him she would see him again, and now she never would. She would never get to tell him all those things she so desperately wanted to.
"Goodbye, Steve."
She hit the ground, and before death greeted her, she seen the flash in the sky, and heard Clints agonising cries echoing through the air.
She closed her eyes.
Natasha Romanoff, The Famous Black Widow, was dead.

Natasha awoke, startled. Was she alive? No thats not possible, that fall definitely killed her.
She looked at her surroundings and saw... nothing but clouds all shades of red, gold, pink and white. Was she in heaven? No, she didn't deserve to be here, did she?
Suddenly, she heard a loud noise behind her, she turned to see what looked like a large screen, showing her friends. Her friends, who were kneeling in sorrow for the fallen among them. Natasha let out a loud cry as she raced over closer to see them.
She placed her hand on the screen, as if to reach through and comfort them.
They were outside, mourning her.
"Do we know if she had any family,"asked Tony,
"Yeah, us." Replied Steve in a sorrowful tone.
Oh how happy she was to see his face again.
"STEVE,STEVE I'M HERE CANT YOU HEAR ME, GUYS PLEASE!" her cries echoed in the emptiness around her. She sunk to the floor sobbing, every noise echoing in the emptiness that reached every corner. "Steve please, please, I don't want to be alone."
Later, once she had wiped her tears, she decided to watch their journey, as she couldn't be their herself. She longed to be able to fight along side her family once more, but all she could do was hope that she would be able to see them again at least.
Steve made them swear that they would win, for her sake.
Then it was time for the battle.
Thanos had demolished the compound, and everything in it.
She braced herself to have to watch some of her friends die, when suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders.
"Who are you?"
"Hello Natasha, I'm Sarah, Sarah Rogers."
Natasha let out a singular tear.
"Hello, ma'am you must be very proud of what your son has accomplished."
They turned their attention back to the fight. Tony, Steve and Thor were squaring up to Thanos alone.
They fought valiantly, but in the end, They were no match. As Thanos had Thor near an imminent death, Mjiolnir came flying from the sidelines and knocked him off course, and it quickly flew back into the hands of..
"Steve?!" Natasha's smile was the widest its ever been, she turned to Sarah and gave her an awe filled look.
It was Steve against Thanos' army, and his chances were looking slim, When suddenly, there was a familiar voice...
"Cap, on your left."
Thousands upon thousands of portals opened up, and all of the dusted arrived to fight.
Natasha was practically jumping for joy, Whilst Sarah giggled at her.
"BUCKY, SAM, WANDA, EVERYBODY IS BACK!!" She could have cried with happiness.
"Its over, Thanos."
And it was. Steve Rogers, Captain America, had just snapped the Mad Titan out of existence, but along with it, he had also limited his life to its last few minutes.
Natasha was beside herself with grief and confusion.
"No, no no no no no no NO! NO NO ONE WAS MEANT TO DIE YET STEVE NO!please."
The tears began to stream down her face, She missed Steve more than anything in the world, but she wanted him to continue his life. But part of her was glad she could see him again because the truth was that she loved him, She loved him so so much.
Sarah pulled her into a tight hug," Its his time darling, I miss him so."
Natasha turned her attention back to Steve, who was mere seconds away from death.
"Hey hey hey Steve its ok, your gonna be fine just hold on for a few more minutes ok?"
Sam pleaded and pleaded with the soldier.
Steve handed Sam his shield and said," Take it, I cant do this all day anymore."
Sam took the shield and smiled a sad smile," Whenever your ready Cap, whenever your ready."
Steve relaxed and smiled, tears began to form in his eyes.
"God, I cant wait to see her again."
"You know, you definitely know."
And just like that, he was gone.
Natasha looked and Sarah, and could barely get the words sorry out of her mouth before They heard a noise behind them. Natasha turned to see a slightly dazed Steve, looking around in confusion and awe.
"STEVE!" Natasha sprinted over to the soldier.
She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into the tightest hug she could possibly give.
"I missed you, so so much." Steve whispered as he pulled her in tighter.
Natasha just laughed, but slowly pulled away." Actually, theres someone else here you probably miss more." She stepped away to reveal,
"Hello, Steven."
Steve ran over to his mother and picked her up in a hug.
Natasha watched happily, he finally had his family again.
After a few minutes, Steve turned his attention back to Natasha.
"All those years you lived and you still never got your dance?"
"I was waiting for the right partner," He smiled at her," But I think I may have found her."
He held out his hand for her to take. She began to laugh but grabbed his hand slowly.
They began to dance. The feeling of having their fingers interlocked made Natasha's heart pound. Even in death she still loved this man.
She rested her head on his chest, She could
hear the beating of his heart, and new he had to feel the same.
She lifted her head and looked into his eyes, smiling.
He cupped her face in his hand, then it happened. They kissed. Years and years of secret love and longing coming to light after death. You could have sworn there were sparks flying.
They pulled away, smiling from ear to ear.
"I love you Natasha, more than anything in the world."
"I love you too. You know I was gonna say till death do us part but I feel like its a bit late for that."
"Til death do us start."
Natasha giggled and placed a quick kiss on Steves lips," I like that, I like that a lot."
She never thought being dead would be this good.

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