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(( this is kinda and ago of ultron au i really dk at this point x))
Steve was not Jealous.
Ok, He was a little bit. But he didnt know why he was.
It's not like he was ever with Nat, but he still felt horrible even being around her when Bruce was around. He would see them on the other side of the room and feel like there was something missing. But you cant miss something you never had, can you?
Going to Clint's farm didn't help either. They shared a room, and that hurt Steve more than he cared to admit. Tony seemed to notice the way he was looking at them both that something wasnt right. And Tony, being the genius that he is quickly pieced together why. Natasha has even started drifting away from Steve during battles to fight alongside Bruce. She had even learned how to calm
down the Hulk. Steve felt like an idiot for feeling upset because he didnt even know where these feelings had come from, then he remembered. Last year. Hydra mission. Bucky. Hijacked Car. Escalator. That damned escalator. That kiss that she stole on that escalator still had his heart skip a beat when he thought about it. He felt stupid for letting that one kiss ,that was meant to be nothing but a distraction, mean so much to him. It obviously meant nothing to Natasha. Why should it? She seemed so happy with Bruce, that Steve couldnt complain anymore. Later that day Bruce came over to talk to Steve.
"Hi Steve, look I know about you and Nat's mission last year and I dont want you to feel bad about anything because you two got really close and-"
"Relax Banner, it's fine."lied Steve through a smile. How he longed to tell Bruce how much he adored the woman they were discussing.
"Natasha's a wonderful person and she loves you for who you are. And when you find someone like that, keep loving them, because that stuff only happens like once in a lifetime. And who am I to get in the way of someones lifetime?" Those last words hurt him to say because he knew they were true. Who was he to get in the way of Natasha's life time? She had already lost so much. Her childhood, her innocence, her family, she deserved this.
"I'm rooting for you both."
Steve walked into the empty training room to find Natasha sitting in the corner, sniffling.
"Hey, Nat, whats the matter?"
Natasha turned her head and formed a saddened smile.
"Bruce left."
Steve was filled with so much rage so quickly he thought he might explode.
He pulled Natasha into a tight hug as she cried into his shoulder.
After a while Natasha started to open up to him about Bruce.
"You know, I didnt like Bruce enough to be this upset, but here I am."
Steve was a bit confused by this. She certainly seemed to care.
"Care to elaborate?"
" Well, I was kind off liking someone else, well more than like, but I didnt think they felt that way so I kind of used Bruce as a rebound to a relationship that didnt exist. I thought it would work because I thought he would understand what it felt like to be a monster. I opened up to him and I scared him away. And now Im back to square one again."
"Who was the, other person?"
Natasha laughed.
Steve was taken aback by these words, so much so that he almost choked on air.
"It's always been you. Ever since the first time I met you on that helicarrier, I had this feeling I'd never had before, and that kiss didnt help much either. It kind off made things worse because I liked you so much Steve, but you're Captain America and Im a former assassin.
Why would you ever like me?"She went on,"And I was so afraid of my own feelings that I tried to push you to Sharon because you deserve someone better."
Steve was in shock. He had to be dreaming, there is no way Natasha Romanoff is spilling her guts to him.
"Natasha, you are the greatest person I have ever met, and I pushed Bruce to you for exactly the same reason. Its you. Its always been you."
Natasha looked directly at him, eyes red raw from crying.
"Wow, if we had better communication this could have happened like 2 years ago." She started to laugh, causing Steve to as well.
She rose from her seat to look him in those deep blue eyes she knew so well.
Then, without warning, kissed him passionately. The feeling of sadness lifting from her and the pressed down feelings of adoration an love rising to the surface and flying all around them in sparks of light and happiness.
They pulled away, both smiling widely.
"It always will be you." Steve spoke so softly it was almost a whisper.
"Forever and always."
"Do you, Natalia, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Do you, Steve, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride."
The church was full of cheers and shouts of joy from all of the avengers and friends.
"Always." said Steve.
"Forever and always."replied Natasha.
Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff didn't have a lot, but they had each-other, and thats all they needed.
Forever and Always.

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