Nat's Recording

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((this is basically like if natasha recorded a message like tonys before she died just incase))

Natasha was gone. The compound had practically been silent since Clint broke the news to the team. Everyone was heart broken, but no one was a distraught as Steve Rogers. Whenever Clint told them
that Natasha was gone, it felt like his whole body just shut down. He fell to his knees and let out such a raw, painful cry. He has lost the woman he was in love with. He never got to tell her that her every step mesmerised him, or that he loved the way her hair smelled, the way he loved when she danced, the way he loved her voice, the way he loved her, Natasha Romanoff. And now she would never know.
Tony stayed by Steve's side, trying to get him to calm down, but Steve just got up and left to go to Natasha's room. He knocked on her door out of habit, but once inside, felt a wave of tears coming over him. He looked to his left and found a photo of them two together. He held it tight to his chest, lay down on the bed, and sobbed. After a long painful 3 hours, He sat up, still holding the photograph, when something caught his attention. There was a small box with a not sitting on her desk. He approached the box with caution. He hesitated before reading the note, but ultimately gave in.
"If you're reading this, Open this box,
Love, Natasha."
Steve carefully opened the box to find a small hard-drive, with a post-it note stuck on the side, it just read "Please watch this, I'm so sorry."
He took the hard drive and headed downstairs to the rest of the team.
When he walked in the living room, everyones faces were red raw from crying. He handed Tony the hard drive,
"I found this in her room, there was a note saying to watch it in the case of her death."
Tony nodded and went to install the hard drive.
Suddenly, Natasha's face showed up on the screen.
"Hi, if your seeing this, I'm guessing my time is up. I'm not going to lie, I'm absolutely terrified for this time travel thing we're about to try tomorrow, and incase of an untimely death, on my part, I just wanted to say somethings that, I probably wont get to say to you in person. Whether it be because of fear or pride...
anyways. I don't want to die, I feel like I should say that. If I end up leaving this earthly plain, best believe me I didn't want to, but I guess thats the 'hero' gig. But I'm not a hero, I just fell in with the right kind of people. You guys gave me a family, somewhere were I felt loved and cherished. I felt, happy. The thought of leaving you all pains me to my very core, just know that I'll be waiting for you, wherever I end up. So thank you, all of you. Oh God, this is not fun, I have so much I want to get off my chest right now, but I'll say the most important things. Tony, as much as I hate to admit it, you really were the best. Clint, please don't do anything stupid again when I leave, just kidding, thank you. Thor, Thank you for caring, even though we never talked much. Bruce, thanks, It was nice while it lasted. And Steve, oh my God, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You make me feel things I was never capable of feeling for another person. You were there for me when no one else was, and if we get it all back and I'm still around, maybe we could get that life you were joking about. Together. And I know that this is probably extremely one sided but I honestly couldn't care less. I love you, Steve. I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I'm most likely not here to tell you it to your face. But I'll be watching you. I love you more than anything. So I guess I'd better go, I never really know how to word these kinds of things. Please don't cry for me, I'm not deserving of that. Please just remember me, what we had.
This is really long so I'm gonna cut it here. I'm so sorry guys, Love, your dear friend, Natasha Romanoff. See you in a minute."
The recording ended. The team stared in shock at the now blank screen. They turned to look at Steve, who was still staring at the screen.
"Hey Cap, are you ok?" asked Bruce.
"I loved her so much, and she died thinking I didn't."
"Well she knows now, she did say she would be watching you." said Clint.
Steve looked up to the sky and smiled. He wished more than anything that she was looking down on him right now, smiling.
After They had defeated Thanos, They had held a funeral for Natasha, Steve Clint and Tony standing at the front. After the service ended, Wanda strolled up to Steve, a sympathetic smile on her face. She opened her arms and embraced him in a hug. They pulled apart and he saw Bucky and Sam standing behind her.
They both hugged him, making Steve tear up again.
"I'm so sorry man, I know how much she meant to you." Sam said comfortingly 
"Yeah, she meant the world and more." replied Steve softly.
God, he couldn't wait to see her again...

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