Game night

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(Tony decided to have a big night in for the six avengers)
(also this is kinda long so sorry!!)
"Alright everyone, listen up!" Shouted Tony, with his hands in the air. "As the host tonight, I will be calling the shots,literally and figuratively." Nat laughed, she looked over at Steve who was having a conversation with Thor. Without realising it she had started staring at his ocean blue eyes, then his mouth, then came to her senses and snapped out of it just before anyone noticed her gawking at the soldier.
"So Stark, what will we be doing?"questioned Natasha, with a smirk on her face. As much she hated to admit it, she loved Tonys parties.
"Why, Agent Romanoff I'm so glad you asked, we will be playing some party games, but before that we are getting DRUNK, even you capsicle." Steve laughed and rolled his eyes at Tony. " And how will you do that," He said jokingly.
"Thor, pass it," Tony said and Thor threw a small purple bottle filled with some sort of liquid. "Asgardian liquor, not for mortal men eh?" said Tony with a shit eating grin.
"Aha yes, one glass of this captain, and you will be drunk indeed." bellowed Thor.
"Oh that would be a pleasant sight" said Natasha grinning at Steve, who gave her a sly stare. "Oh wouldn't it just."
Steve had to physically pull himself away from staring at Nat for to long, who could blame him, she was gorgeous to look at. Her fiery red hair and her emerald green eyes that seemed to compliment it so perfectly, the way her mouth moved when she smiled, the way her hair fell over her shoulder with the slight curls that were in it, he adored every bit of it. Steve snapped out of his thoughts when Tony offered him a glass of the Asgardian stuff, which he took gladly, he would like to get drunk again after so many years.
"Alright, Truth or Dare!!" Slurred a slightly intoxicated Tony. Steve was tipsy, but not full blown drunk, just tipsy enough to speak before you think. Natasha was the same. Then there were the others; Bruce, Clint, Thor and Tony were all steaming drunk.
"Wow Tony, real mature game choice," mocked Nat, causing a giggle from Steve. She could feel her face going slightly red. She didn't know if it was her or the alcohol, but Steves laugh just sounded so soft and nice, oh who was she kidding, everything about Steve Rogers was nice. His deep blue eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts, his soft personality that could make anyone feel welcome, the way his mouth shifted when he spoke, the way he laughed when Nat told one her particularly funny jokes, everything about him was incredible. But she didn't like having these thoughts, she was certain they weren't being reciprocated.
" Excuse me little miss adult but I'm here to have fun," said Clint who was laughing at nothing in particular.
"Relax birdbrains I was kidding." She smiled and turned to Tony," Since it was your idea tin-man, why don't you ask someone first."
Tony laughed and asked Bruce, who answered truth.
"Is it true that you slept with Nat?"
"Oh that god," thought Nat, that had been a rumour at one point.
The game went on as normal, then Clint asked Nat.
"Who in this room is the most attractive?"
"Ouch Romanoff, not even a second thought?" said a 'hurt' Tony.
She laughed, and out of the corner of her eye, could see Clint whispering to Steve, who shook his head with a bright red face, which caused her to blush.
" Um Tony Truth or Dare?"
"Go jump into the pool fully clothed."
Tony darted out towards the pool and leaped in.
The rest of the group was in stitches laughing. Natasha was laughing so hard, she fell on top of Steve on the couch, lay on his stomach and laughed. He didn't mind this one bit. Whenever Tony got out of the pool, he went to get some clean clothes from his room, which disbanded the game for a while. Natasha decided to go out onto the balcony to deal with her thoughts and slight headache which was forming from the alcohol.
She stared over the edge of the balcony, alone with her thoughts. Did she have feelings for Steve? If she did, she'd never noticed. She started to sing to herself, because she was alone and the silence was almost deafening.
"Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the stars,
Oh let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars."
When she finished singing, she stared out once again at the view, until she heard a faint "Wow," come from behind her. She spun around to see Steve standing at the door, with a very proud or pleased expression, Natasha couldn't tell.
"How long have you been there?"
Long enough to hear your singing, it was beautiful I have to say."
"Thanks." She said, giggling.
They stood there and watched the sun finally set, the sky was breathtaking.
"So, think I'm the best looking huh?"said Steve with a smirk.
"Well I'm not going to lie am I?" replied Nat, laughing.
"Well its a compliment considering Thor exists."
"Yeah but like Thor's technically an alien, you Rogers, are not."
"Fair enough I guess." He said with a smile.
"HEY LOVEBIRDS GAMES BACK ON!" yelled Clint who two seconds later fell over a chair.
"WE'RE DONE GUYS YOU GO ON WITHOUT US!" shouted Nat, to which Tony gave a thumbs up and closed the balcony door.
"Thank God," sighed Steve,"They are so unbelievably drunk."
"When are they not drunk," said Nat with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
They stood in silence for another minute, until Steve finally spoke.
" Nat you are going to think I'm insane but I really really have to do something right now and I apologise in advance but I just-"
Before he could finish his sentence Natasha took his face in her hands and kissed him.
To her surprise, he kissed back. Passionately.
After about a minute, they pulled away.
"Well that saved me making a speech," laughed Steve.
"I read right through you." said Nat with a smirk.
They kissed again, but more softly this time, full of emotion and 11 years of bottled up feeling pushed deep down the core of their very beings, the feeling that were all rising back to the surface at such a force that when the pulled away again they were seeing stars.
"WOOHOO FINALLY!" They heard Tony yell from the door. They turned to see Tony racing back inside
Steve and Natasha looked at each other, and burst into laughter. They were in a team full of idiots.
Shortly after everyone asking questions, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.
Well, almost everyone.
The next morning Tony installed sound proof software for the walls.

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