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Natasha was not usually jealous of people, it was usually the opposite actually. But something about all the SHEILD girls who loved to like Steve Rogers made her blood boil. All the girls who loved to get there dirty little hands all over him, it made her so unbelievably angry. Although, Steve didn't seem to like the attention at all, which made Nat even angrier at the girls. After the launch of Tonys new Stark Industry product, he decided to throw a massive party and everyone was invited. Natasha had already decided to go all out, It was extremely formal after all.
She strutted down the stairs in her long black dress, her hair pinned up. As she entered the room, she could feel people staring at her, which she didn't mind that much. She turned her head to se Steve looking straight at her in awe. She walked over to the bar beside him,
"Wow Romanoff, you look amazing." Steve had a smirk on his face.
"You don't look so bad yourself Rogers." They mingled for a bit, laughing and enjoying each other's company, until a group of girls started to approach Steve. Natasha knew what was about to go down, and not wanting to be in the middle of it, excused herself to go elsewhere. She gave Steve a hug and went along her way.
She made the mistake of turning her head to see one of the girls had her hands around the back of Steve's neck, her face inches from his. She could feel her face flushing red with anger so she quickly sat down beside Clint, Thor and Tony. Clint noticed something was up.
"Hey Tasha, whats the matter? You seem pretty uptight."
Natasha simply stared in the girls general direction and retorted,
"I'm fine, really, I've never felt better."
The boys could hear the venom in her tone, and averted their gaze over in the direction of the girls around Steve, who was looking extremely uncomfortable.
Thor simply smiled and gave the other two a knowing smile, to which they responded with confused eyes. Thor discreetly pointed to Natasha, then to Steve, and then it clicked with them.
"Say, Nat you don't happen to be jealous of all those girls over there do you?" Asked Tony.
"What? No! What makes you think that? Why would I be jealous that they have their dirty little hands all over him," She realised what she had just said, "Wait I mean-" but it was too late. Clints face was practically glowing with joy.
"Oh! My! God! You like Steve, I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!"
"keep your voice down bird-for-brains!" hissed Natasha, annoyed at herself for letting this slip.
Just as she had calmed herself a bit, she looked up to see the girl lean in for a kiss, a kiss that only she wanted. Natasha could feel herself tearing up, her hands quickly becoming fists. She stood up and basically ran out of the room, her hand covering her face as she did so. Steve took notice to this, and tried his best to get away from the girls, who would not let him leave.
"Why would you want to go after, That... when you have people like us right here?" the main girl said in an almost evil tone.
" I have much more interest is spending time with her than even being near any of you right now!" He retorted, and quickly ran out of the hall.
Natasha was sitting on the floor, knees tucked into her chest, sobbing. She knew what was going to happen, Steve was going to kiss the girl, get together and fall in love. She wouldn't even have had a chance. The truth was, she didn't just like Steve, she was completely in love with him. She was absolutely smitten by his every movement. He occupied her every thought. But she also thought he would never love her. So she never said anything. She made subtle comments, but her pride prevented her from telling the truth. Now, she wish she had have just told him.
Steve walked out the door and seen Natasha down the hall a bit, on the floor.
He raced over to her and sat down.
"Hey, hey, whats the matter Nat?"
She sniffled, "Nothing." She tried to smile but it was no use. Steve put his arm around her comfortingly.
"There's obviously something bothering you, your lucky I even got here, those assholes inside were trying to stop me from looking for you."
"Those girls, they creep me out."
"Thats, actually what I'm all torn up about."
"What do you mean?"
"Its just- They- Oh nevermind, its dumb anyway."
"Its not dumb, you obviously very hurt over something, please just tell me."
She took a deep breath,
"Its just, every time I see them they have the dirty little hands all over you and I always used to be so confused as to why it made me so mad but now I know and I just-"
"Natasha why does it make you mad?"
Natasha answered back, voice breaking as she spoke.
"BECAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! And seeing her almost kiss you in there, made me feel like I was never even going to get a chance to tell you because you'd end up falling for her and even though in my head I know that you probably don't feel the same I feel territorial over someone that was never mine and I hate my self for it and I-"
Her sentence was cut short by her crying.
Steve instantly pulled her into a tight hug, holding her as she cried.
"I love you too."
Natasha's heart skipped a beat hearing these words.
She pulled away from the hug, grabbed Steve's face in her hands and kissed him passionately.
They kissed for what felt like forever.
Then, suddenly Steve stood up and gestured to her to grab his hand.
"Lets make an entrance shall we?"
She grabbed his hand and they walked back into the room.
Clint was the first to notice they were holding hands.
"Tasha what the fuck you were gone for like 10 minutes?"
She laughed and smiled at him. She looked over and seen the girls staring at her, daggers in their eyes. She grabbed Steve's hand tighter, and turned her head. Tony decided to do something about this. He strided over to the girls and kicked them out of the party for "reasons".
Natasha laughed the whole time watching their faces drop. Tony returned to the group and Natasha gave him a hug. They all sat down, as Natasha put her head on Steve's shoulder, their hands still interlocked.
"I love you, Nat." whispered Steve.
"I love you too." She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Her jealousy had turned out to be good after all.

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