Chapter 2

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Uraraka POV~~~

After i was done texting the class, they all gladly accepted the invitation to Deku's party and offered to help set it up. I agreed since 2 people was NOT enough to set up a whole party.

Most were surprised that Bakugou was the one that was organizing the party but hey you can't blame them i was shookethed too.

Bakugou POV~~~

I was walking around the mall and collecting all the shit needed for that nerd's party. I already had most of the basics like forks, ballons, a banner, spoons, ect.

I had previously gone shopping for groceries at the near by walmart since i wasn't about to get Deku some shitty ass store bought cake.

I was going to make him a cake and it was going to be the best thing he ever fucking tasted in his life.

I now had everything else out of the way but i was missing one thing

The fucking present.

I had been so fucking focused on the other decorations and shit that i forgot to think about what i was going to get him.

I spotted a bench and sat down as i contemplated anything that Deku could want.


I wanted my present to be different form any All Might merch. I wanted it to have meaning and to actually have some sentiment as cheesy as that shit sounded.

i started to get desperate, and in a moment of panic, i ended up texting hair for brains for some advice.

Bakugou: Yo shitty hair, I need some help

Kirishima: What's up bro?

Bakugou: What is a good present to give a nerd....

Kirishima: A nerd...? OH YOU MEAN MIDORIYA

Bakugou: Yea well no shit Sherlock

Kirishima: Oh Uraraka had told me that you were organizing a party for him, Is that true?

Bakugou:yea, yea, just answer the damn question shitty hair!

Kirishima: what about the newest All Might merch? Midoriya loves All Might

Bakugou: No I already thought of that. I want something that means more than just a stupid doll

Kirishima: awwwww is Bakubro getting a soft spot??


Kirishima: Ok! Ok! You don't have to get all mad over it...

Kirishima: What about a journal?

Bakugou: HAH? Why on fucking earth would i get that nerd a journal?

Kirishima: For his Hero Analysis thing


Kirishima: Yea but i heard that he was running out of space on his latest one

Bakugou: I know but how in the hell is that supposed to be meaningful?

Kirishima: Well he has an analysis for everyone

Kirishima: Even you

Bakugou: Like i said, I already fucking know dumbass

Bakugou: Im looking for something with actual meaning

Ugh does anybody even know what that nerd fucking wants?

I turned off my phone and was ready to put it away since I had lost faith in shitty hair but my phone buzzed yet again and I was about to tell him to piss off until i read the message

Kirishima: Yea but like what if you make an analysis about him

Kirishima: Like ya know on the first page you can draw a picture of him and makes notes on everything you know about him and stuff

Bakugou: hair for brains...

Bakugou: Your a fucking genius

I quickly shut off my phone and shove it in my pocket. I finally knew what to get that nerd! Without wasting any time, i get up and start looking for his gift.

That analysis was probably going to take me a while so i am going to need as much time as i can get...

Midoriya POV(freaking finally)~~~

I woke up late this morning and tbh i didn't really feel like doing anything. I was kinda just being lazy since we didn't have school for the whole week.

I was just messing around and finally decided to clean up my room a bit since it looked like complete garbage.

I clean up some and while i was putting away some clothes that i found on the floor i hit my foot with something in the corner of my closet.

"OW! sweet jesus that hurt..."(lol my precious cinnamon roll cant curse)

I look down and see the box i hit my foot with. What even is this?

It had been a while since I had moved into the dorms so i forgot what i brought and what the box contained.

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