Chapter 11

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Bakuhoe POV ~~~

I watched as Deku looked at the sky. Streaks of water going down his face but they didn't stop his from looking away. Some of the colors of the fireworks reflecting on his face and made his freckles pop out.

After the last one, He embraced me tightly and said, "K-KACCHAN YO-OU D-DINT HAVE T-TO DO THA-AT FOR M-!" I cut the nerd off by saying, "Yes I did. After all I have done, I have to make it up to you somehow. Plus you've worked harder than anyone else, you deserve it.." I said with a caring voice as the nerd finally calms down.

"It's getting dark, we should probably go back" I finally say as I stand up and hold out my hand to help Deku up as well.

He takes it and stands up. He then stands still and looks at me with a mischievous smirk on his face. Before I can even ask him about it, he detaches from my hand and bolts in the direction of the forest where we came from while yelling, "RACE YOU TO THE PARK!"

After hearing that, I smirk and sprint after him announcing, "GET READY TO LOOSE NERD!"

We both ran as fast as we could as we jumped over rocks and dodged trees on our way back. We were neck to neck running right along side each other and laughing. I turned to look at him and I see him smiling widely with his green fluffy hair blew back with the force of the wind. His eyes held childish joy as he looked at me. My heart felt so content and I could already tell my face held similar features to his.

As we near the park, we both start picking up speed, each determined to be the winner of the competition.

Suddenly, Deku tried to jump over a rock but his shoe got caught, sending him tumbling into the pavement as he put his forearms in-front of him to protect his face.


I yell his name and quickly and rush to where he fell. "Shit! are you ok?!"

I kneed down and help him up as he leaned forward into my chest to try and keep his balance. I couldn't see his eyes as they were covered by his bangs but then he I heard noises coming from him. .

Wait is he.....??

The nerd looks up at me and with a giddy smile, his giggling turns into laughter as he leans into my chest. The sound was so sweet and before I knew it I was laughing along too.

"*uncontrollable laughter*  T-That w-as s-so fun-n! Hahah"

"*laughs* Hell Yea it was!"

After our laughing fit came down, the nerd tried to stand on his own but hissed in pain as his legs wobbled. I quickly grabbed hold of him to keep him from falling and I helped him walk over to one of the swings and sat him down.

"Let me see" I said and he complied as he rolled up his overall pants along with his orange sweater's sleeves.

In the light from a nearby street lamp, I could see Deku's injuries in full view.

"Yea it was kind of a hard fall...." the nerd said shyly as I examined him all over.

His forearms were scratched up and his knees had bruises forming already from the impact while a few small cuts littered his body here and there. His clothes had a few pieces of dirt and twigs on them and hidden in his bushy hair was a fallen leaf.

I then pulled the leaf out and brushed the twigs and dirt off him.

"Does it hurt Deku?" I asked him and he responded with "Yea.."

Midoriya POV ~~~

"Yea.." I say as I look down.

Out of nowhere, I see Kacchan turn around and do a semi squat

"get on nerd" he says and I see the tips of his ears turn a light pink. I smile broadly and hop on.

I wrap my arms around Kacchan's neck and my leg as around his waist. I then feel him secure my legs with his hands and start walking towards the direction of the dorms.

As we walk, Kacchan takes out his headphones and hands me one of the buds. I silently take it and lean my chin on my shoulder as I see him take out his phone and go to his playlist and pressing play.

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