Chapter 16

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Bakuhoe POV ~~~

I groan in annoyance as the two dumbasses drag me to Shitty Hair's room and yeet me inside. They throw me on the bed and I land with a soft 'oof', I then proceed to properly sit down with my back pressed against the headrest of the red bed.

I see that the two idiots have plopped themselves down and we're now intently staring at me. Soy sauce was seated on the other side of the bed with his arms crossed and Shitty hair was sitting on the spinny chair that he snatched from his desk.

"Let's cut to the chase here Bakubro" Shitty hair said as he crossed his legs and leaned toward, his intertwined hands placed above his lap. As if reading his mind, Soy sauce continued for him, "What did you and Midobro do yesterday after you guys left, why did he have those bruises? Why was he wearing your clothes? What were you guys doing in your room last night?"

I felt like I was being interrogated by the police as they both started at me intently with determined faces, I could tell weren't going to be satisfied until they got what they wanted: answers.

With the sudden questions, I was overwhelmed by how they were acting like damn how bad do they want to know? I was still processing this which caused me to hesitate a bit. Before I can even speak, Shitty hair slams his hand on he desk and looks at me with an impatient look in his eyes, "Answer the questions, Katsuki!"

I quickly respond with, "For fucks sake calm your tits idiots" I tell them with annoyance lacing my tone. I sigh and give them what they want:

"Me and Deku-
Midoriya POV ~~~

"You SLEPT with him?!" Ocha screeches after hearing me recall the events from yesterday. I cover the furious blush on my face with with my hands which were engulfed by the dark hoodie I was wearing due to the significant size difference between me and the owner.

"D-don't s-s-say i-t like t-that!!" I screeched at her as I threw the nearest pillow at her in an attempt to get her to stop. Denki, being the the smartass he is, said, "Well when your dressed in onlY HIS HOODIE IT KINDA GIVES OFF THE WRONG IMPRESSION DONT YA THINK!"

We were currently in Ocha's room, all of us sitting on her pink fluffy bed as they asked me about the events that happened yesterday.

I huffed and pouted lightly as I buried my face into one of Ocha's pillows. "l-leave me alone..." I said as I slyly brought up the sleeve of the hoodie up to my nose and sniffed the evidently present scent of caramel without them noticing- or so I though.

"Awwwww that's so cute!" "Hehe Izuku's gotta a crush~~~!" They commented on my actions and I felt my face redden even more for being caught. "S-shut up!"

"" Denki smirked at me teasingly. "So what are you gonna do?" Asks Ocha. I look at her confused and ask, "What do you mean?" She rolls her eyes like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "About Bakugou, duh! You can't just pretend nothing happened!"

"What do you want me to do then? I can't just walk over to him and be like 'oh hi Kacchan I have a crush on you and since we hung out yesterday why DONT WE BECOME BOYFRIENDS ITS NOT LIKE WE JUST BECAME FRIENDS LIKE YESTERDAY OR ANYTHING!!" I screeched at them sarcastically before huffing out in frustration.

"Well technically you can-" Denki started before I cut him off with, "Well if it's that easy why don't you ask your crush out?" He looked at me flustered before stuttering out, "T-that's besides t-the point!"

Finally Ocha spoke up, "ok ok ok guys let's just leave this topic alone for now. If anything else happens tho we have every right to help you out!" I contemplated for a bit before eventually giving in, "ok fine"

"Okay good! So what do you all wanna do now?" She asked with a curious tone. "Oh I know! Let's call the rest of the squad and watch movies!" Said Denki excitedly. Without giving it a second though, I immediately agreed, "Oooh yes! We haven't done that in forever! Let's message them"

💚 Dekusquad 💚


Uwuraka💕: Lets hang out and watch movies in my room!

Aowoyama💖: Of course mon ami! I'll bring the blankets!

Tsuwu❣️: Ribbit, ill get the snacks, what y'all want?

Kaminowori💛: y'all 🤠

Tsuwu❣️: Denki Istg-

Showo❤️: Soba. The cold kind.

Aowoyama💖: Sho I think you have a problem.. but I'll take some popcorn

Showo❤️: I don't know what your talking about 🍜

Izuwu💚: OREOS!

Uwuraka💕: Ice-creammmm (not the chocolate tho I don't like it)

Kaminowori💛: DorYEETos (What you on about chocolate SLAPS)

Tsuwu❣️: K Ribbit

Aowoyama💖: See you in 10~~

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