Chapter 14

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Midoriya POV ~~~

"WHOO YESSS!" "FUCK YEA!" Me and Kacchan jump up and cheer as we stare into the end of the game, enjoying our well deserved victory.

After the excitement goes down, the need for sleep (Nobody: Iida: NeEd fOr SpEEd-) hits me like a truck. Kacchan yawns and I can tell he's tired too "what time is it?" He asks me sluggishly. I check the time on my phone and my eyes widen.

"Crap it's 1:45 am!" I say. Damn did we really spend over 4 hours playing?! "Shit- at least we don't *yawn* have school tomorrow" "Yea your right.." I say as I feel sleep start to consume me.

Kacchan crawls into his bed and says, "Come on nerd lets go to sleep" as he lifts us the bed covers, signaling me to join him. Half asleep, I make my way over to him.

I'm about to get in when I realize that I still have Kacchan's sweat pants on, they were too large for me and were starting to slide off my waist. "Eh Whatever" I murmur to myself as I take them off, I mean the sweater was long enough to cover me so I'll be fine.

I crawl to Kacchan's side as he reaches over and turns off his lamp. "Night nerd" He says quietly as he faces my direction, his eyes already closed. "Goodnight Kacchan" I respond back as I subconsciously scoot closer to him in search of his warmth.

In a matter of seconds, I am consumed in a peaceful sleep while lying next to my childhood friend and lifelong crush.

Bakuhoe POV ~~~

A ray of light seeps in through my curtain as the morning sun wakes me up. I slowly open my eyes and adjust them to the brightness as I instinctively look next to me where Deku had been previously sleeping.

He's nowhere to be seen but I see the sweatpants I lent him yesterday lying on the floor. I assume that he woke up early, changed, and left. My face heats up at the memory of last night.

Did I seriously sleep in the same bed as him?! Shit I hope he doesn't think I'm weird, maybe it would have been better if he slept in his own room.. Ugh! Dammit Katsuki stop overthinking!

I shake my head of the unwanted thoughts and decide to head downstairs to get some breakfast. On my way to the elevator, I bump into tape dispenser and shitty hair.

"Morning bakubro!" Greets Shitty hair with a tooth you grin. I grunt in response as they walk with me to the common room. Soy sauce nudges me with his weird shaped elbows, "Soooooo.... what did you and Midoriya do after you guys left??" He asks me with a sly smirk as we enter the elevator.

I push him away and respond with, "shut the fuck up!", light pink dusts the tip of my ears and I pray to every god there is that the two idiots don't notice, but with my 'amazing' luck, they did.

"Wait BakUGOU ARE YOU BLUSH-" Kirishima doesn't get to finish his sentence before I screech at him in embarrassment, "FUCK NO!". Tape dispenser breaks out in laughter as he says, "HOLY SHIT HE IS!"

My face then turns a deep red as Kirishima grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. "You have to tell us what went down yesterday!" I push him away as the elevator stops. "We didn't do anything-!"

We step out of the elevator and turn the corner to be greeted with the sight of Deku chatting with a sleepy Sparky and Round face. He wasn't wearing any pants and the only thing he had on was my hoodie from yesterday as it reached down to around a little lower than his mid- thigh.

My face turns a deep red and I hear soy sauce quietly say, " 'Didn't do anything' my ass". As I'm taking in the sight of Deku, I feel two pairs of arms push me toward the nerd ad I hear the idiots whisper-shout, "go talk to him!"

I stumble towards Deku as his idiot friends leave to sit down and talk in the common room. He rummages through the pantry in search of anything good to eat. I quickly fix my posture and look at him and then towards Shitty and Soy sauce and see them giving me a thumbs up in reassurance.

I take a deep breath and lean on one of the counters cooly while I look over at him, "whatcha doing nerd?" His head quickly snaps in my direction and he smiles sheepishly, "Oh hi Kacchan! I'm trying to find something to eat"

I look back at the idiots to see them signaling me to continue, "Why don't you just cook something, I doubt there's many non-cook able options here" He giggles and looks at me, "Kacchan we both know I'm terrible at cooking"  I smirk at him and shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, "Well there's no harm in trying, I mean what's the worst that could happen?"

He looks at me sarcastically, "Oh I dunno maybe burn down the dorms" He looks back into the cabinets and continues rummaging, "I think I'll stick to cereal for now"

I look back at the idiots for advice and see them making hand signals. Soy sauce points at the nerd, pretends to flip something on a pan, and points back at me.

I look at them while I start to speak again, "Well um..-" He looks at me curiously.

I look over at Shitty hair to see him trying to say something and I read his lips as he says 'cook for him!'

"-...I-if you want I can ..make something for you..?"

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