Chapter 15

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Bakuhoe POV ~~~

"-...I-if you want I can ..make something for you..?"

The sentence comes out more like a question and I see the idiots give me a thumbs up while smiling. Deku gives me a confused look as he turns around saying, "what are you looking at, Kacchan?"

The dumbasses hear him and turn to hide. "N-nothing! I-I mean *ahem* It's nothing.." I lie to him as he looks back. Luckily, the idiots were quick enough to not get caught.

I clear my through and change the conversation, "Anyways... I can make you something if ya want.." I say, looking away and scratching the back of my head nervously. He looks at me concerned, "are you sure? I don't want to be a bother-"

"-your not." I quickly cut him off. "Well if it doesn't bother you then yea!" He smiled at me like a little kid getting candy, "Kacchan's cooking is always the best!"

I walk towards the fridge and open it, scanning its contents, "What do you wanna eat nerd?" He walks over to sit on the counter next to me, "Pancakes!"

I swiftly take out all the ingredients start mixing everything. While I was making the food, Deku on the counter next to me and intently watched me while making light conversation.

"Watching you cook is so mesmerizing!" He says while still watching me move. "I know, I'm pretty great".He giggles and says, "whatever" while rolling his eyes playfully.

"Hey pass me a pan from up there" I instruct him as I mix the batter. "Ok!" He turn and reaches up towards the top cabinet. As he does so, his, or more like my, hoodie lifts up, revealing his legs even more than before. It reaches up to around the top of his thighs and I can see the freckles that litter his pale skin.

I quickly advert my gaze as I feel my face heat up intensely. Still rummaging through the things, Deku asks, "Which one Kacchan?". Looking away, I just say, "a-any big one". He hums thoughtfully until he says, "oh there's one up here!" while reaching up even higher, making his hoodie reach dangerous lengths.

I quickly grab his arm and gently sit him back down as I face the other direction with a dark red face. "J-just let me get it... y-your gonna fall.." I reach up and quickly snatch the one I wanted.

He looks at my red face concerned, "Hey Kacchan are you ok? You look sick-" he reaches his hand out and places it on my forehead, "-and you feel pretty hot"

"That's because I'm always hot" I quickly play it off as if I wasn't just blushing a moment ago. The nerd quickly covers his reddening face and whines, "kacchaaaan..!"

I chuckle at his cute behavior and focus back on my cooking. "They're almost out so go sit down",I inform him. He excitedly jumps off from his spot on the counter and makes his way to the kitchen table, "Ok!"

I place his and my pancakes on two plates and add whip cream on top along with syrup. I place them on the table along with two glasses of milk. The nerd looks at his and his eyes practically sparkle as he exclaims cutlet, "There Mikey Mouse shaped!" (I got this idea from my mom, when we were little she would make our pancakes with two little Mikey mouse ears and call them "Mikey Mouse pancakes")

"Thank you Kacchan!" He says childishly as I just chuckle, "yea, yea your welcome of whatever, just eat you food"

Deku and I enjoy breakfast while talking about anything that came to mind like tv shows (*cough* anime *cough*) and current events (*cough* coronavirus *cough*)

When we were finished, we got up and washed our dishes in the sink. "Thank you for the meal Kacchan, you really are a great cook!" Deku thanks me as we clean the dirty plates. "Eh, it's nothing" I say causally. I didn't mind cooking, especially if it's for Deku.

All of a sudden, Round face and Sparky literally appear out of think fucking air and walk up to Deku, "Izuku, there you are!" Round face comes up to him with Denki right behind, "Let's go upstairs, we wanna talk to you about something..!" They say as they grab Deku and take him away.

Just like Deku's friends, the idiots also just fucking manically appear and grab me, dragging me towards my room while saying, "Bakubro! Come on we want to ask you some questions real quick..!"

I look back at Deku, who is also being dragged away at his friends, and see him wave at me while mouthing 'bye'. I smile slightly and wave back before the idiots drag me around a corner and take me to my room to be interrogated.

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