Chapter 12

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Bakuhoe POV ~~~

I walked with Deku on my back all the way to the dorms. It was dark and the only things that provided any sort of light was the street lamps which illuminated the empty sidewalk.

We were quiet, not bothering to say a word as I grabbed onto the nerd's (THICCC) thighs and with one earbud in while Deku had possession of the other. We were currently listening to Panic! At the Disco as Deku looked at the starts that littered the dark sky above. A relaxed smile plastered on his freckled face.

Soon enough, we crossed UA's gates and walked to the dorms. When we entered, the other shitty extras weren't there yet, they were probably still walking back from the whole firework thing.

I set Deku down gently on the couch and turned to look at him. "Go take a shower nerd and afterwards I'll get your injuries cleaned up." The nerd just nodded before trying to stand up while saying, "Let me go get my clothes first-"

The nerd stumbled and I swiftly grabbed him to prevent him from falling. "I'll get you some clothes you just take a shower." I helped him into the boy's shower room and passed him a towel as he walked into a stall.

"I'll be right back nerd!" I semi yelled as I jogged out of the shower room and toward my room, "Ok Kacchan!" I heard him respond as I left.

I quickly went into the elevator and pressed the button up to my floor where my room was placed in.  I opened the door and scavenged through my drawers to try and find some clothes for Deku. I ended up finding a hoodie with some sweats that fit me small and left my room.

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I made my way to the nerd's room which was a few doors down from mine and opened the door

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I made my way to the nerd's room which was a few doors down from mine and opened the door. I then snatched some boxers and socks from his drawer and headed downstairs.

When I get down, I go into the shower room and knock on Deku's stall. "Hey nerd I got your clothes."

He opens the stall ever so slightly and sticks his hand out with his palm open indicating for me to give him the clothes. I place the things in his hand and he swiftly bring them into the stall with him, "Thanks Kacchan!"

Without even looking at him I can already tell he's smiling. "Yea Yea Whatever" I wait for the nerd to get dressed and he finally emerges from the stall.

His hair is wet and he smells like coconut shampoo. He's wearing the hoodie I gave him, but it fits big so it reaches about mid thigh and it droops revealing his left shoulder which is littered in freckles. The sweat pants I gave him also fit him pretty big and his eyes oversized outfit made him look cuter than he already was.

Hiding my blush, I reach over to Deku and pick him up and walk to the sink placing him there. I reach towards a nearby cabinet and pull out a first aid kit.

I walk over to where the nerd is and he looks at me with a shy expression, "you don't have to do this for me Kacchan, I can do it myself you know..." I grab his arms and roll up the hoodie's sleeves.

"Yea well I fucking want to so just let me" I say as I start applying the medicine and bandage his forearms which are scratched up and cut from sliding on the pavement. I then move onto his knees while repeating the process and placing bandaids on any other extra scratches he had.

While I was patching him up, Deku was talking about random things that came to mind as I just listened and imputed my own thoughts on his stupid yet cute thoughts like 'What if animals also had quirks?' or 'If you could visit a different era which would you go to?' and whatnot.

"Ok nerd come on I'm done" Deku stretches his arms out to reach for me, signaling for me to carry him. I just sigh with a light smile on my face and pick him up, walking with him like a koala into the living room.

All the extras had jut arrived back and round face, sparky, shitty hair, and tape dispenser, and raccoon eyes all rushed toward Deku after seeing his injuries. "Holy Crap Midoriya are you ok?!" "Who hurt the baby!" "Bakugou I'm looking at you!"

They all started to yell at the same time while the rest of the shitty class was also asking "What happened Midoriya?" while surrounding him protectively.

They were all talking at the same time and I was starting to get fed up with it. I looked at Deku who seemed overwhelmed with everyone and I quickly shut the extras up,


The class quickly shut up and adverted their eyes towards the small bean. "D-Don't worry g-guys! I just f-fell and K-Kacchan helped me o-out! Hehe.." he nervously scratched the back of his head and light pink dusted his cheeks.

The extras visibly calmed down, and I, sensing that the nerd was feeling uncomfortable, snatched him from the center of the extras and carried him towards the elevator.

"B-bye guys, Good night!" Deku said trying to be polite about leaving them.

"We'll be taking our leave, shitty night" I told the others at the same time as Deku said his farewells.

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