Rocket (edited)

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Rockets: Tori Kelly.
"We are, each of us, Angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing on another."- Luciano De Cresecenzo

Chapter One: Sabrina's POV

Sitting here always reminds me of the sh*tty things I say to people. I don't know why I say them, it just slips out. I don't know what happened to me. I used to be this kind little girl that always cared about others, I guess that wasn't me.

I wish I just stayed normal, I don't like sitting in here alone. I hate it. I don't get why people don't understand that I say these things for their sake. I want to keep them safe. So why am I always the one that's alone?

The walls start to close in, I feel suffocated already. I don't want to go through this again. I hate the fact that my guilt always gets the best of me. It tortures me, annoys me and crawls underneath my skin.

The walls come closer, but they start to slow down, I know they want me to plead for death but I am not going to do that. I'm going to stay strong no matter how tortuous it is. I'll cope with this like usual.

The coldness of the wall caress my shoulders, squeezing them together slowly. Pain was shooting through my body. I wasn't going to scream. It was exhausting me, I wanted to die. I wanted to plead.


"STOP!" I shout jolting up.

My eyes were screwed shut, my heart was pounding out of my chest. What was that? My eyes wandered around the room. The paint was chipping off the walls due to the enormous amount of cracks in the wall. I hated this room.

My hand reached up to my hair, pushing it out of my face. I never know where these dreams even come from. Wiping of the sweat that was on my forehead I stumbled out of the comfort of my bed. Today was moving day.

With a light headache pounding in my head, my eyes travelled to my hair. God! I am such a mess, my hair was messily placed all over my face. I start searching for a hair tie and once I find it, I grab all of my hair and tie it up messily into a bun.

My hand sloppily reaches for the door knob and twisted it. I walk around the house barely able to keep my eyes open. There were noises coming from the kitchen. Following the voice I take a sharp turn from the hallway leading me to stairs.

Taking one step at a time I was able to distinguish between the different voices. No one was ever up this early... maybe because it was movement day. One of the voices belonged to Louis, he was the easiest person to distinguish and the other belonged to Ashton but the last one... I wasn't really sure about. These people were the ones that didn't live in this house but soon, we will all be living in the same house.

"Sabrina!" Katrina shouts and she leaps onto me. I stumble back but then gain my posture.

"Morning" I smile.

My eyes wander to the clock. It was only six. I never manage to wake up this early. I guess the dream was just too much to handle. I walk over to the couch and drop next to Zoella.

"I just want to relax these holidays" I smile.

Going to a university is hard sometimes, especially when you're trying to become a doctor. Next year will be my last year at university and the stress level will be all the way at the top of the triangle.

At least I have 2 months before I go back to my internship at the hospital and continue studying all the time although that's what I do half the time.

"Oh please... We all know you're going to be studying hard these 2 months" Ashton teases.

That comment made me feel annoyed. Yes, maybe I do spend half my time studying and maybe I don't spend much time hanging out with my friends, but it certainly does not mean that I plan on spending my time studying during the 2 months that I have free.

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