Not About Angels (edited)

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Birdy: Not About Angels.
"If two people love eachother, there can be no happy end to it." 

Chapter: Prologue

"But I'm the guest! You have to let me ride Max." She pulled the puppy dog eyes, staring into the boy's blue ones. He grunted, giving in almost immediately as he took a step back.

"Go ahead then, be my guest." She giggled at the unhappiness in his voice before swinging herself onto the beautiful horse. It shook it's head as she patted the soft mane on his head.

"Thanks Luke." She flashed him a grin.

"Whatever." The boy hid his smile with a cough. As she ushered Max out of the barn, he let his lips curl up into a bright smile.

"Hurry up already." She shouted, turning her head over to glance at him. His eyes lingered on her lips before he ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm coming, calm down." Trying to sound annoyed, his laugh gave everything away.


"Don't leave me." He mumbles into his pillow, his words barely audible.

She frowned and sat down at the edge of the bed, "I'm not going to sleep in the same room as you."

He peeled an eye open, turning his head to the side so he could see her silhouette. He then turned over to his back, rolling over to where she was siting.

"But I don't want to be alone." His head was now on her lap as she gave him a disapproving look. She leaned down slightly.

"Louis you're not a child." He laughs, hands reaching to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't leave me." He whispered.

"I won't."

Hey my lovely birdies :)
This is the only chapter where there will be Third person! The rest will be in first. Please vote and keep reading as it gets better (I hope). And the book is finished so the chapters will be under editing, which means.... YEAH we'll be trying to make it per-fect! :) (but that does not mean there will be NO mistake at all in the edited chapters. I mean after all, we are still humans. :P)

Thank you all.


Not About Angels (under editing and changes)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang