Believe In Me (edited)

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Believe in me - Demi Lovato

"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him" Martin Luther King Jr.

Chapter Four: Sabrina's POV

Somehow Zoella convinced me to come, even though I had no say in this what so ever I am glad that she tries her best to take me out of my comfort zone, it's just that sometimes I wish she'd let me be, and let me handle some of my problems by myself.

We walk into Starbucks. Even though Louis lives in the same place as us he decided to let us leave early. So here we are at Starbucks waiting for our drinks and the guys to come in. To be honest I was nervous because I was about to see someone from primary.

A person that used to make fun of me all the time. The person that always brought my self-esteem down to a minimum.

The door opens and Zoella's head snaps into the direction of the sound. Louis walked in wearing a black coat on top of his white shirt. It seemed like he was wearing women's skinny jeans. He ruffled his dark hair and made his way to us.

"Zee, Sabrina." He smiles.

Zee, as in Zoella, walked over to Louis and gave him a welcoming hug. Louis made his way to me and opened his arms wide offering me a hug. I obliged and awkwardly hugged him back. Louis grabbed a chair from another table and sat down next to me.

I shuffled over and looked at Zoella who was giving me a look that meant 'calm down'. I decided not to start a conversation and played around with the hem of my black top. I really did not want to be here.

I wanted to stay in the comfort of my bed and read a book, If I Stay, Gone Girl something along those lines would have been nice.

"So..." Zoella brakes the silence looking at Louis.

There was something in her eyes, I've never seen her like this before. It felt like she was upset about something possibly about Louis' girlfriend which seemed utterly ridiculous. They were best friends and they made it very clear.

"So..." Louis smiles.

"Why are we so awkward?" I blurt out. Louis looks at me shocked and I turned to him and smiled innocently.

"You have a voice?" He looks at me shocked. Zoella breaks out in laughter and playfully wacks Louis' arm. They were really close since I can't even remember.

"Yes" I quietly answer and look out the window. I noticed a guy with a blonde quiff walk past us, this made Zoella jump. She ran out the door leaving Louis behind. I turned to him and he gave me a smile, I smiled back and decided to look at the guy.

Zoella ran into his arms and he laughed hugging her back. She jumped up and down excited. She dragged him in and pointed towards our table. I felt my palms starting to sweat as I looked at him walk up to us.

His quiff made him look a few inches taller than he usually is. He was wearing a T-shirt with a certain bands name on it. I can't read it because he's moving around too much. He wore black jeans with holes on the knees.

I crinkle my nose at the jeans because I don't get why people want to pay for and wear ripped clothing. He looks at me and cocks his head to the side, this brings back so many memories. He looks back at Zoella and she points towards me and start to explain.

"This is Sabbie. Luke I'm sure you remember her." She smiles. Sabbie... That name really annoyed me.

"Yes I do" he smiles reaching out for my hand and then firmly shaking it.

He walked over to Louis and did a weird fist bump thing they used to do in high school. I look over at Zoella and she kept on smiling like an idiot.

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