American Idiot (edited)

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Greenday: American Idiot

"There is always someone who cares for you without your knowledge"

Chapter Six: Sabrina's POV

I sat down on my laptop finishing the report that was due after the holidays, I may as well finish this since and study ahead of class since I am not doing anything during the holidays. Like usual. I shouldn't have gone to the meet up with Zoella, it made me the cause of a broken friendship and I cried right in front of my high school bully.

Shutting my laptop, I decided to go out today. Surrounded by these four walls will suffocate me. I needed some fresh air. I really needed to get rid of this killer headache as well. I grab the pain killers off the table and swallow it with some water. It took everything in me not to slam Augustus' face into the concrete floor.

I hate the dude, not because Katrina liked him because he always shows up in this house without a reason and stays here until 4 am in the morning.

Tying my hair up I walk out of the room making sure not to wake Zoella up. I felt guilty for locking the door last night. She must've had an awkward encounter with Louis. I can't believe she slapped him across the face.

I grabbed my bag and placed my phone and my wallet in it. I was planning on seeing Liam today so I decided to walk to his place. I really need to buy a car but I still wait because I want to buy a new car instead of a used one like Ashton. Walking out I noticed a familiar face and they turned to see me.

"Hey Sabrina." Michael smiled.

"Hi." I looked around the room noticing the fact that Ashton was lying down on the couch like a lazy pig.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asked taking a sip of his beer.

"Out." I answer

"Oh." Michael and Ashton said in unison. I couldn't help but feel curious. So I decided to ask them.

"Why are you asking?"

"Well Ashton and I were thinking if you wanted to hang out." Michael shrugged.They wanted to hang out with me?

"Um... Why?" I ask again sounding like a dumb person. Ashton sighed and pushed Michael away.

"We just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. If you're not free then its okay."

"Well. I was going to see Liam today but if you want to hang out I am fine with it" I smile It was the first time I ever felt like I existed. I wasn't going to let this opportunity fly away.

"Tell you what, why don't we drop you off at Liam's and then after you're done we can pick you up and hang out." Ashton smiled. I nodded my head and smiled back. This was the first time he ever genuinely smiled at me.

"I'm just gonna change so can you two wait for me?" He asked walking over to the stairs. I nodded and he disappeared. Today seemed like a dream, it's the first time that Ashton has ever even wanted to talk to me let alone hang out with me. I don't know why but I don't really want to worry about that now I'll just thank the lord that Ashton is trying to get to know me now. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn to Michael.

"Last time was a bit awkward so I thought maybe the three of us could hang out and get to know each other considering the fact that Ashton doesn't know you very well either"

Michael was really nice, even though he seemed like a guy that would be really rude to you he was very different. I appreciated the fact that he wanted to get to know me.

"Thank you for offering. I am quite excited to be honest." I smile.

"Don't be so formal with me." He laughs. Ugh sometimes I sound like I am giving some sort of interview. I guess sometimes it's just stupid. My eyes wandered towards the staircase and watched Zoella walk down sleepily. She looked around the room until her eyes met mine.

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