Give Your Heart A Break (edited)

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Demi Lovato: Give Your Heart A Break
"Who ever is happy will make others happy too."- Anne Frank

Chapter Ten: Zoella's POV

"Well what are we going to do at the trip?" I ask Luke as I sat next to Sabbie. I handed her a cup of hot chocolate and she grinned at me.

"It's like a country road trip thing..." Luke mumbles, I didn't even think he knew entirely himself.

"Like bushfires, bush walks, swimming in billabongs and stuff like that?" I asked. If It was something like that it would be amazing.

"Wait bushfires?" Sabbie asks.

"What? No I mean campfires" I say rolling my eyes. She picks up on the smallest mistakes I make, annoying the heck out of me.

"Yeah things like that. Also horse riding." He says and I squeal.

"Where do we even get the horses?" Sabbie said while sipping on her drink. I opened the packet of chips and started munching on them.

"My grandfather has a farm in the country side, shouldn't you know?" He says.

"Why would I know?" Sabbie asked confused.

"Because you're my best friend." He mutters and now it was my turn to look at him confused.

"No I'm not... I didn't know you properly until a few weeks ago." Sabbie said, tilting her head to the side and frowning.

"Nothing." He said, waving it off and smiling. It didn't reach his eyes and I felt like there was something off. I couldn't quite catch it though.

"Well anyway.... I have got everything ready to go for tomorrow morning. I'm going to go to bed now... You guys should rest as well." I say as I finished my chips.

"Good night, I'll sleep in a while." Sabbie said as she held her cup up slightly.

"Have fun finishing that before bed. And Luke, there's spare pillows and blankets in the cupboard." I say before climbing the stairs and running to the bathroom. I stopped short when I almost crashed into someone.

The someone happened to be Louis.


I looked down and stepped aside for him to walk past.

It's been almost a week after what has happened. Luke and Ashton brought home a drunk Louis and a light headed Sabbie. Louis pushed Sabbie away and she hit her head after I left. Luke got a bruised eye trying to stop Louis from punching Ashton and everything was messed up. I was only glad that Kat and Augustus weren't home that night or things would've gotten even messier.

He walks by after a minute of silence with no eye contact or what so ever. I didn't know how to face him. His words always haunt me when I sleep, although I knew he was drunk it still made me want to cry. If only he knew.

"Louis," I turned around to say something but he was already gone. I sigh and walk into the bathroom. After cleaning myself up I let my hair down and brushed it quickly, it was slightly wavy from the bun the whole day. I ran my fingers through the blonde tips, it felt dead and dry. I walked out noting to myself to never dye my hair again.

* * *

With suitcases and bags slung over our shoulders and in our hands we made our way to the park a few blocks away.

"Who did you invite Luke?" Michael asks. I knew Ashton, Michael, Louis, Augustus, Kat, Sabbie and I were going. I didn't know the rest. Apparently Luke had invited a few more friends of his and we are all going to his grandfather's country house-mansion kind of place.

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