Forgotten Past (.00001)

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"Hello? If you're seeing this I've forgotten something, mostly who you are and who I was. I may look like an teenager but I'm much older. I have or use to have powers much like Romeo, Fred, and Xara, but I wasn't an Admin or whatever you call them. I look normal and wasn't all powerful at them, I dislike being who I was, I never want this resonablity, people looked up to me for help and couldn't deal with it anymore so I ran, got a portal key and left. I only told one person but I think it died with him before he could tell. He told if my heart wasn't in it then find it where it was and I said goodbye and left.
If this is Romeo, hopefully you've changed. For the good. I'm sorry I couldn't try and help you see good. You were someone who always want us to be together forever as the best of friends, sorry I broke that. Hopefully you got the camera.
If Xara, I really am sorry. As much as I love to remember you, I can not. You've been a really good friend to me but if this actually works everything would be forgotten but my name. I'm not actually sure if this last forever.
If this is someone I met after I've forgotten. Thanks for being around even I dragged you in a big mess that's my past.
If anyone see this, tell the old builders beside Harper and maybe Otto to chill. And I don't owe them anything.
Bye I guess but if you're me and wondering why I did this. I wanted to, really. Life got boring for me, lonely somehow. It lost its meaning to me and I'm sorry. This is very selfish but I want to be happy.

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