Sword, Shield, and a Gauntlet (2.2)

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"You gave her a flower?" Said Petra.
"Yeah? I lied saying it was from you of our adventures." Said (Y/n). "But I think she knew I was lying but still took it. She seemed nice to me."
"Hmm. Maybe it's your thing just to get people to like you even if the said person is a murderer-." Said Petra, realizing what she said. "Sorry."
"Its fine, Cassie-. It hard to explain. I just wish she asked for help. Hopefully she realized what she's done and... nevermind" Said (Y/n). "That reminds me, I should go see Stacy and Stampy soon."
"They would be happy to see you." Said Petra, not commenting on the Cassie part, knowing (Y/n) has been visiting her.
"Okay, ready?" Said Jesse walking to them.
"We've been waiting for you so yeah." Said (Y/n). Earning a glare from the two ladies. "Okay, no attitude." They all entered the gate with Petra having the Llama.
"No need to push! We aren't beacontowners." Said Stella, laughing at the end before she saw Jesse, (Y/n), and Petra.
"Oh if isn't my rival and her faithful friends. Here for a new pet? Heard you need a new one." Said Stella.
"Rude." Muttered (Y/n), very unhappy at the moment with Stella, Jesse and Stella was have a conversation about their 'rivalry'. Llama soon walked up to Stella.
"Lluna! You've came back." Said Stella before Petra got her attention. "For a moment I thought Lluna return home by herself."
"My sword, I've done all you jobs." Said Petra and Stella just got closer to Petra.
"No sweetheart, you want to be in Champion City, remember? You're sword was the price to be our Hero in resident." Said Stella, before signaling one of her bodyguards to pick up Lluna. (Y/n) followed Stella, to trying to reason with her. Stella bodyguard was about get them. "They are fine, I want hear what (Y/n) has to say."
(Y/n) looked at Jesse and Petra, who Jesse had a shock looked on her face while Petra tried to explain to her, Neither noticed (Y/n) was walking away with Stella.
"So Petra truly wanted to live here?" Asked (Y/n).
"Yes, she did. She might of realized the was a price near the end." Said Stella as They enter her treasure room.
"But you really have to take her sword? Miss Butter has always been with her." Said (Y/n) and Stella soon picked up Petra's sword and swung it around a bit, walking into another room without (Y/n), they were looking around until they heard laughter and saw Stella give Petra her sword telling them never to discuss this again.
"(Y/n)! What have I've told you about walking off?!" Said Jesse hugging (Y/n) tight.
"Jesse! Please! I'm a adult!" Said (Y/n), embarrassed that she was doing this.
"An Adult that hasn't faced half the mobs we have. Jesse's just watching out for you, (Y/n)." Said Petra. "You barely even use your axe."
(Y/n) growled as Jesse let them go and went for the exit as the others followed her out of the city.
"Its not like we don't trust you to handle yourself, we just don't want you be in a position where you're against something you can't fight." Said Petra and (Y/n) sighed, Petra was right. (Y/n) has only faced Zombies and hasn't fought since coming to this world. They might be getting a little rusty.
"Okay..." was all (Y/n) said. They were Listening to Petra try to explain the situation with Stella to Jesse and why she did it. Jesse being Jesse wasn't angry at Petra and the last thing (Y/n) remember seeing Jesse tacking (Y/n) and Petra down when something exploded and it went black.
"You've gotten so far from where you started and yet to remember a thing? Sad, for you. "
"Is your friend okay? If not they should stay here, this adventure is and will be very dangerous." Said a strange voice.
"(Y/n) is Tough, Jake. They just got knocked out with Heckmouth exploded." Said Jesse. (Y/n) soon let out a whine, wanting to go back being unconscious or sleep but their head was in pain.
"Calm it, (Y/n). You got a bruise, you got hurt." Said Petra. (Y/n) opened their eyes to see Petra, they were leaned up against the wall.
"heard....jesse....tell stranger." Whispered (Y/n), They did not like being in pain at all.
"Get them to drink this, it's a healing potion." Said Jake, or the stranger.
Petra took it and held it out for (Y/n). "Take it."
(Y/n) and took it and drank it before coughing. "That taste awful but... I feel way better than I was. Thanks."
"Your welcome." Said Jack as (Y/n) stood up, dusting themselves.
"So where is what and why is it dangerous?" Asked (Y/n), wanting to know what everyone was talking about before and when they woke up.
"It an underwater temple that was supposedly built by The Admin." Said Jake. "Its nothing but a death trap but it might be the only way to close the 'Heckmouth' and get Jesse's gauntlet off." He continued. "No place for a kid." Jack said glaring at Jesse.
"I'm not a child! I'm pretty sure I'm close to 18!..." said (Y/n).
"That is still young, you have your whole life ahead of you and you want to risk it?" Said Jake.
"Isnt that what you did?" Said (Y/n), knowing some stories of Jack.
The whole room is quiet.
"You are... right. Just try and stay close to one of us." Said Jack, (Y/n) smiled knowing they won over the adventurer.
Its Tim!
"Wow." Said (Y/n) as they and the others came into view of the Temple. Jesse opened and they all entered and soon the water was gone and they were in a room that had a puzzle door as (Y/n) noticed. As they stood beside Petra,(Y/n) felt as if they were being watched.
"You okay? You keep looking around panicky." Said Petra.
"I'm good, I just feel if someone us watching me, it might just I've never been this far underwater besides getting washed." Said (Y/n).
"You don't swim? Is that why you held my hand coming here?" Asked Petra.
"I never really learned and I've never had time or want to learn." Said (Y/n).
"When this is over, I'm gonna take you swimming! You did well coming down here though." Said Petra.
"You were kinda dragging me. If you can do that in water..." said (Y/n) before Jesse opened the door and everyone followed before almost getting shot by a Guardian(?) but was pulled behind a pillar.
"Floating water?"
"That's new."
Petra and Jesse soon took out the two guardian and we all went to follow until Jack saw a pile of invatory and got upset.
"Sammy..." he said taking the stuff before saying he needs a moment and Nurm tries to comfort him.
"I feel sorry for him, I would react the same if I saw either one of yours inventory down here." Said Petra. (Y/n) had a feeling in their chest like she's felt condolences for Jake because they've felt the same before-?
"(Y/n)? Are you okay? You don't look well." Said Jesse.
"I-I'm fine, I feel if I've been threw the same thing as Jake... but I can't remember why." Said (Y/n).
"You might of lost someone before you lost your memory and you know the feeling yet not the memory." Said Petra.
"I... don't like this feeling." Said (Y/n). "But I'll get over this. I just want to to get ou-." (Y/n) was interrupted by a man falling out of the ceiling.
"Vos!" Said Jake.
"Jake? Is that you?" Said Vos and Jake Hugged him.
"I thought you were gone..." said Jake.
"All I remember was being with you and Sammy and then darkness and now I'm here. Where's Sammy?" Asked Vos.
"Its a long story."
"You've gone the farthest in the temple, that's quite a fit. We should go, I don't want to be here much longer." Said Vos.
"But we need that structure block so we could close up the Heckmouth!" Said (Y/n).
"We need to continue." Said Jesse, they continued into a hallway of a statues that were staring at them, or Jesse.
"Okay this is creepy." Said (Y/n). "Like on another level."
"I feel you." Said Petra, speeding walking threw the hallway with (Y/n) by her side. (Y/n) was looking at the statues until one of them look back, scaring them.
"I don't like it here, this is feeling being watch to actually being watched." Said (Y/n) before Vos showed up in front of them.
"Hello, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Vos. An old friend of Jack." He said, introducing himself to Petra and (Y/n).
"Nice to meet you, Vos. I'm Petra and this is (Y/n)." Said Petra. (Y/n) waved at the man.
"Hi." Was all they said.
Jesse had chosen the path of the warrior as the statues from earlier got in the room to attack them.
(Y/n) drew out their axe in case, the warrior structure block didn't work. It did, kill two statues. (Y/n) hit one but it didn't even notice them until they jumped and hit the back of its head and it died.
"Try and ignore me now." Said (Y/n) before noticing the room was filling with water and everyone was on a higher floor than them. "Oh great. Water." They tried to get to Jake while Jesse help but was to slow and then saw a larger sized statue, like really, really, larger than the others.
"Jesse." It said. (Y/n) was helping Jake with his injury eye with Nurm, not listening. "Fight me, Jesse."
"What?! No! We're like in the middle of the ocean." She said as the water rised more, as they all were swimming. Everyone soon put on their helmet and Petra swam to (Y/n) and pulled them upward, out of the temple as Jesse followed.
"Do you really think you can run from me, Jesse? With how many blocks between us and my height. You can't run forever."
"(Y/n), you can't hide forever."
"(Y/n)! You need to calm down please." Said Jesse. "He said my name too but I'm not freaking out!"
"You're the one with the magic gauntlet on her hand! You are connected! I'm not." Said (Y/n) panicking about the situation.
"Are they always like this?" Asked Vos.
"For the most part yes, just not this much." Said Petra. "They are gonna tired themselves out soon."
"(Y/n), look he wouldn't get you because he'll have to find us and get threw a lot of people. Trust me, how he knows you doesn't matter." Said Jesse, hugging (Y/n).
"...Fine." said (Y/n). "We should head back to get back for Founding Day. Radar is probably worried as heck."
"True." Said Jesse
(Y/n) was not happy with Petra for not telling Jesse that she was leaving with Jack and his friends on a adventure. Well as not happy means not saying a word to Petra and glaring at her everytime she talked to Jesse.
And beside that it's been hot as heck everywhere they go. They only figured something out when they stepped in a snow biome, the snow melted under their feet, luckily, (Y/n) was at the back if the group. They had a mental connection and soon tried stopped being mad. This time it didn't melt until dirt shown, it was good enough and they continued, think happy thoughts. Not noticing (Y/n) wasn't as cold as the others.

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