New Baddies and Old Friends (2.1)

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"You think she's gonna show up?" Asked (Y/n), Petra shrugged and (Y/n) sighed, Jesse was late.
"She's probably busy with Beacontown stuff." Said Petra before they heard Zombies dying. "That might be her." It was Jesse fighting a few Zombies, while wearing Iron armor making Petra laugh before helping Jesse up before saying something about her armor.
"I just didn't want to mess up the nice armor." Said Jesse before seeing (Y/n) and hugged them. "Nice to see you too, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) hugged her back. "Its nice to finally see you again, Jesse. I thought you might of forgotten us for Mayor stuff." Said (Y/n) as the hugged ended.
"I'm not the Mayor! I'm the Hero in resident." Said Jesse as She and (Y/n) followed Petra down the mine.
"But you do a lot of Mayor stuff, like paperwork and help people." Said Petra before something moved in the Shadow before chasing after it, saying it was important then claiming it was a race. (Y/n) was winning until spiders showed up and went to help Petra and told Jesse to continue.
Petra soon race ahead of (Y/n) as (Y/n) killed the last spider. "Cheater!" Yelled (Y/n), running after her.
"All is fair, you chose to help me." Said Petra before stopping and (Y/n) almost running into her.

"We are chasing a Llama?!" Said Jesse and (Y/n) looked past Petra to see the Llama.
"Its so cute!" Said (Y/n) going close to her, letting the Llama see (Y/n) before petting the Llama. "She's so soft." Said (Y/n) before noticing Petra and Jesse's conversation.
"Its a treasure sniffing Llama Jesse!" Said Petra. "I'll explain everything when I get the Llama back to her Owner."
"Okay, promise?"
Petra and Jesse soon tried to move the Llama but it wouldn't move and it spit in Jesse face making her fall and her Iron armor break and (Y/n) soon followed the Llama leaving Petra and Jesse behind until the Llama some how got on a two block thing of Gravel where its usually impossible to get to.
(Y/n) gave the Llama a very confused look. "" Said (Y/n) before Petra and Jesse caught up with them and had the same confused look before Jesse got the Llama down and the Llama soon ventured more into the darkness and thankfully to (Y/n) Jesse made some.
They all soon came to a tower of Gravel with a glove thing at the top? (Y/n) wasn't sure but Jesse soon started climbing it.
"Jesse, I really dont think that's a good idea." Said (Y/n) as Petra and them were dealing with the Llama.
"It's whispering." Said Jesse.
"Um Jesse we don't hear any whispering." Said Petra. Jesse touch the gauntlet and it soon got stuck on her hand.
"Jesse what is that?" Askes Petra.
"A glove. And I can't get it off!" Said Jesse before Petra tried to help to get it off. (Y/n) stay away from gravel knowing its effect with gravity and soon Jesse and Petra was jumping off the pile and Petra help Jesse not fall to her doom.
"Thanks Petra, that was close." Said Jesse, seeing (checking on) (Y/n) love on the Llama. "Luckily it likes at least one of us."
"She. And shes fluffy." Said (Y/n) before sighing. "We should probably get her back to her owner but what the heck is that made of?" Said (Y/n), looking at the gauntlet.
"It looks like it's made of prismarine, which is usually found at the bottom of the ocean-." (Y/n) stopped listening, paying attention to the Llama, who was going to the exit and They followed stopping only when Jesse and Petra notice (Y/n) was gone and going to the only seen exit.
"Good job finding the exit." Said Petra, while her and Jesse followed.
(Y/n) laughed before listening to Petra trying to get away from Jesse and (Y/n) to bring the Llama back.
"Why don't we come with and you can explain, why you've secretive." Said Jesse and (Y/n) agreed.
"You remember my golden enchanted sword?"
"Miss Butter?"
"Okay, but we are going to going to Champion city." Said Petra.
"You mean the city in front of Beacontown?" Said Jesse.
"Yes, The one who runs it, Stella. Is all about making unfair deals, she has Miss Butter and I've been have to do jobs for her to get it back."
"Oh. I'll help get your sword back and then we can deal the the gauntlet." Said Jesse.
"Stella, didn't seem that bad when I came here before. I didn't knew she ran the city though..." Said (Y/n), shocking Petra.
"Wait. Did we met the same person?" Said Petra. "(Y/n)! She has my sword!"
"And I'll help get it back, I promise! I've only been there once so she might of been acting." Said (Y/n).
"By the way Jesse, Stella thinks you have Rivalry, just play along with her ego so I can get my sword?"
"I'll try."
"Wow this place is Shiny." Said Jesse looking at all the buildings.
"I'll be waiting over there when you're done looking around." Said Petra, standing beside a gate with the Llama and (Y/n) followed Petra. "So why did you exactly come here to begin with?" She asked (Y/n).
"Oh! I just wanted to visit and see what the city was like a I kinda ran into Stella, literally." Said (Y/n).

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