Videos (1.0)

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Number 1 <-
"What is that supposed to do?"
"Its suppose to record anything so we could watch it later!" Said a younger (Y/n), around 3 very colorful people. "Well I'm not sure if it works-." The Camra was dropped and you hear (Y/n) shout as they fell to the floor hold their hand.
"(Y/N)!" Yelled Xara sitting next to (Y/n) before moving their hand to see the other one. "Did it shock you?" She asked. Someone picked up the camera and you could see (Y/n) clearly still in pain. "Fred?" Said Xara looking at the person behind the camera.
"Maybe they are finally getting some powers." Said Romeo, acting like he didn't care.
"That could be true, they are quite younger than us." Said Fred.
"I'm g-good. It's still recording?" Said (Y/n), in less pain, Xara still looking over their hand.
"Yes, I'm not sure how to turn it off." Said Fred.
"Its the one with circle with a part missing at the t-."
Number 6 <-
You could see (Y/n) with longer hair going to their shoulders.
"It's on." Said Romeo, he was the one who was holding the Camra.
"Thanks Romeo." Said (Y/n) before addressing the Camera. "Its been awhile..." Romeo started to laugh. "Shut up I'm not good at this!"
"Sorry but you literally have only talk to a few people your whole life. You're gonna be bad at this." Said Romeo before seeing the broken look on (Y/n)'s face. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, you just need some practice having a conversation." It soon started to rain outside if the building they were in.
"What? There wasn't any clouds in sight when we came in here." Said (Y/n), going to the window before Xara and Fred ran threw the door. They were very, very wet.
"We've come to the conclusion on something." Said Fred.
"(Y/n) does have powers!" Said Xara, excited at the fact.
"They do?"
"I do?"
"Yes! We've figured out that everytime (Y/n)'s emotions are on the sad side, it will rain or snow, wherever you are." Said Xara. "So what did Romeo say?"
"Oh shit." Said Romeo.
"It fine now Xara, he apologized." Said (Y/n) before pointing at the camera. "Say hi! Even though I haven't figured how to watch them yet." Xara waved at the Camera.
"How do you somehow able to be recording when something happens?" Asked Fred and (Y/n) shrugged.
"Not sure, Romeo you can turn it off now." Said (Y/n), camera soon showed Romeo's red face.
"Bye future us and or strangers!"
Number 27 <-
"You need to leave, (Y/n)." You hear Fred say. You see darkness but you can here that's its raining.
"What is Romeo planing?" Asked (Y/n).
"You shouldn't worry. You remember how you want to start a new life? What you said in the last video? You made it just in case this happens." Said Fred.
"Or I wanted to really leave but I don't-."
"Trust me (Y/n)! You don't want to remember any of this if this goes wrong." Said Fred, it was thundering.
"Fine..." said (Y/n). You see the camera being moved. "Delete this video and give it to Romeo."
"Not Xara? Why?"
"If Romeo wins, he needs to remember, who he was." Said (Y/n). "It would make Xara more upset."
"Very well. I'm truly sorry this has to happen." Said Fred, smiling at (Y/n).
"Hurry, they figure something is happening so-."
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