chapter four

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I sat next to Shikamaru, saying nothing. "You'll have 30 minutes to work on your project!' Iruka Sensei said from the front. Though I should've stayed back at my desk, last night excited me, and only encouraged me to get closer to him; I missed him for the one day I was away from him. And we need to work on the project anyways, we've been putting it off for a while 'and there's not much longer until we have to turn it in.

He works on the project, he hands me it to do a portion of it. We switch back and forth until class is over, but as he leans back in his chair, puts his feet on the desk, and puts his hands on his neck, neither of us move. Everyone else leaves for the day, and he gives a soft chuckle.

"Quick, throw the rest of the roll!" I yell, going through my backpack to grab another one. He chuckles and throws it over the tree, the end of it dangling off. I finish off the rest of my roll.

"So, how have you been?" He asks, giving a tired sigh.

We jump through the city and make it over to Ino's house next, traveling over the buildings. "I've got enough for two more houses." I announce to Shikamaru. He nods with a strange happiness and we jump in simultaneous hops.


Hopefully Hana was sleeping, not bothering me. In any case, I have a Clone back home so it won't be so easy to figure me out.

I sighed as I got up and left with anymore words. There's no way he doesn't know it's me. I mean, what person kidnaps someone, and goes around, causing mischief with them? I'm sure Shikamaru would've killed me, had I been anyone else. I just shake my head and groan at it.

I'm a damn Sato, and no, I'm not proud, not any part about it. I hate being a damn Sato!

I leave the building angrily and see Yamato, my sister's boyfriend, waiting for me, leaning against the tree with the swing.

"Yamato-san, what are you doing here?" I ask, running over to him. He stands up straight and ruffles my hair. "Hey Y/n. How was your day at the academy?" He asks, avoiding my questions. I huff quietly, then answer. "It was okay, Yamato-san." I walk beside him as we begin to head to my house.

"Hey, Y/n, you up to go eat out? My treat." He says. I eye him suspiciously. "What's the catch?" He laughs. I know I read him completely, because he answers as he puts his hand on his neck, grinning with his eys shut. "Your sister said for me to train with you today while she's out on a short mission. So might as well take you out." He laughed. "Thanks, Yamato Ni-san." I realized what I said and coughed and turned away. "-san." I correct in an embarrassed mumble.

I looked over and see a really, really happy Yamato. His eyes were anime-like and he has waterfalls for tears and his hands clasped together and pressed to his cheek. "Brother? Brother? Y/n, my sister? Y/n, I will pay for your food every day!" He said excitedly. He picked me up and ran to the ramen stand.


"Keep going, Y/n." Yamato instructed. "I... can't, Yamato, I'm... *huff* out off..." I look over at Yamato and his face is terribly scary. "Eeee!" I scowl and continue to kick harshly at the tree, creating dents each time. He crossed his arms as I finished my 500th kick, and Immediately I fall to the ground, out of breath.

"Good. I'll take you back home now, Y/n." I nod and follow him, when I suddenly stop. "Mind If I stop at a friend's first? I've got to grab my shinobi pouch." At unfortunate timing, I had unforgivably left my shinobi pouch containing my kunai and shiruken and healing kit at Shikamaru's house and who knows who's planning to kill me these days? If I don't have the protection I need, I could get killed.

"That'll be fine. I don't have a mission for a while, so I can stay up as late as I would like. The missions the ANBU have been giving me recently have been exhausting, but at least they've given me a break." Yamato explains as we begin to go towards the Nara house hold. "Uh huh..." I drift off, pretending to listen to Yamato's rambling.

The day is falling, and the fine line between light and dark is visible in the sky. I see heaps of translucent stars, one's who's light hasn't truly shown yet. As the night grows older, I look back up once more. A star, it falls and it's soars across the sky.

A wish, huh?

I wish I wasn't a Sato.

"Hey Yamato, did you see that?" I asked. "Huh?" I chuckle softly. "Never mind." He looks confusedly at me, then continues to walk forward.

In the distance, the Nara house looks quiet and peaceful, but I think he should be awake because the night is young. Shikamaru stays up late when I'm not over. I signal for Yamato to follow me to the backyard, and I sneak a look around the corner.

There's Shikamaru, and he's merely just sitting on the picnic table and looking up at the sky. Maybe he caught eye of the shooting star, too.

"Shi-" I start, but before I do, a girl leaps out from on top of the roof and a kunai shines in the moonlight. She jumps to Shikamaru, aiming straight for his heart.

partner project / you're nothing to me (shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now