chapter fifteen

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I've skipped the portion of fighting against the Kage's since it's a bit useless. If you want to see it, re-watch episode 300 of Shippuden. This chapter is a bit boring since it's just stuff of war, although you get to see it through the eyes of a different shinobi.


I was part of the Fourth Company that had headed to aid the First Company, lead by Shikamaru. White Zetsu had started to impersonate people, and people were now very untrusting of people, everyone on high alert. Everyone needed eyes on the back of the head to see if someone you thought was real was about to attack.

A woman with rope around her waist began to play the flute. Down at the coast, a man and a woman with the rope had started talking, the man had sucked the chakra out of a shinobi.

"It's them..." I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Shikamaru, his eyebrows furrowed at the man and the woman up front. Who were they? Had Shikamaru killed them previously?

"We pursued the group that abducted Sasuke with a hastily assembled quest. We were prepared to lose a man for every enemy we killed..." Shikamaru explained to his fellow teammates, Ino and Choji. "Kidomaru of the East Gate. Sakon of the West Gate. Jirobo of the South Gate. Tayuya of the North Gate. The Sound Ninja Four."

I didn't know Shikamaru went out to bring back Sasuke. I wasn't there when Sasuke had left, but of course it spread quickly as he went to train under Orochimaru and became a rogue ninja.

"Choji, can you come?" "Yes!" "W-Wait, we'll fight together-" Ino insisted, but Shikamaru interrupted her. "No! If the fakes infiltrate us during the chaos of the battle, it could break up the entire unit. That's why Choji and I will stop those four!" He said.

Will he get hurt? Will Shikamaru and Choji be able to fight double the people of them?

"But let me make this clear!" Shikamaru's voice suddenly became loud, almost making me jump. I refrained from turning around, I couldn't look him in the eyes currently... "Even if it looks like us, if it moves, it's an enemy! Attack without mercy." "But-!" "Isn't that right, Capitan Darui?" "Just as I would expect of Shikaku's son. I think you're making the right call. Sorry to keep having to rely on you, but take care of the matter as you outlined."

The man attacking picked up a giant boulder, preparing to throw. Just as I was about to weave the sign to teleport, I heard Choji's voice.

"Human Boulder!" He rolled into the boulder, crushing it before it could hurt anybody. Past the smoke, Choji went down to punch the man. I jumped away, knowing that Choji could use his Expansion Jutsu and I didn't want to be in the way of that. I watched intensely as the two fought, keeping my blade ready, looking over my shoulder every once in a while to see if there was any White Zetsu.

The woman's flute played again, but what for? Why would she be playing music now?

Shikamaru looked at me before he stood up. "Cover your ears!" He yelled, before running off, probably to stop her from playing. I watched as he ran and hid behind a rock, then saying something but being cut off as he became entrapped in the genjutsu.

I rushed forward to help him, but also stayed careful. I couldn't get caught now, I could die. I need to be careful.

The woman slowly approached him. What can I do, what can I do?! I readied my blade.

"We aren't just simple Reanimations, you know, you-" I teleported to her , but she had dodged, my blade only able to graze her shoulder and cut off her some of her hair. I teleported a bit away, covering my ears again. I was lucky to be fast, it seems my training with my Teleportation Jutsu was proficient.

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