chapter six

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I angrily scribble at the paper on the table, and lean back in my chair, letting a big sigh out.

"Huh? Y/n, the project's not that hard." Shikamaru said, shaking his head, taking the paper, reading it.

"Wow, you really are dumb." He mumbles. "Huh? What was that?" I say a bit loudly to intimidate him. He was the one in the hospital bed, after all. He backs up and places his hands in defense up. He then resumes looking over the project.

"Can you believe that I've had to deal with you for a week and a half already? This is such a..." I sit up quickly look away before completing the sentence.

"Hey, Y/n! What were you about to say?" Shikamaru laughs mockingly. "Such a... what now?" He hums humorously. "N-nothing!" I bite my top lip, biting a bit too hard, an irony taste filling my taste. As I scoot back over to re-examine the project paper, he reaches his hand out and brushes it against my lip, wiping the blood away. I swat his hand away. "Don't touch me, stupid." I snarl, and he retreats back. "Okay, I got the message."

Me and him work together, and I hear the bracelets soft tingling as we scribble down our Japanese characters quickly.


1 week later

It's been two and half weeks since I've met my new best friend, Shikamaru. To be frank, we piss each other off a lot but it doesn't really matter because we have such good chemistry together. Though he's a lazy ass who won't get up ever, but that's okay. I've learned to deal with him.

Me and Shikamaru have done almost two times the required amount for the project since I visit him every day, which I hope makes him happy since we both will get a good grade. Not only that, but Shikamaru was discharged two days ago and the Academy Testing was yesterday as well, and I easily graduated, as well as Shikamaru, though he was a bit back of training, it was a simple clone jutsu.

As me and Shikamaru leave for the last day of the Academy, me and him tread towards my house. Noticing how slow we were walking, I started a slow conversation.

"So, are you excited to become a genin officially?" I ask. "Sure. But that means I have to be put in a team, which I already know what it is, and that means more training and teamwork and real missions... what a drag." He shook his head and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Do you even want to be a ninja? It's 'what a drag' this and 'what a drag' that. You've never really spoke about what you want to do when you become of age. Do you want to be a ninja forever?" Shikamaru hums quietly and looks up, at the clouds.

"Maybe. My family's a shinobi family, you know. The Nara's are known for high intelligence, Shadow based jutsu's, and a loyal Leaf family." He said. I yawned boringly.

"Boring, boring, boring." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. He sighed breathily and smirked at me. "Hmm, what about you, huh? Your sister tried to kill a Nara, must I remind you." I blew out a breath. "That's my sister, not me, Shikamaru!" I slapped the back of his neck softly. He chuckled as well as I joining in later. But my smile faded quick. That was my sister that tried to kill my best friend. What would've I done had she killed him? Sure, I've known him for only two and a half weeks, but somehow he's so close to my heart, and now that my sister's gone I've become so close to him that he's practically the person closest to me, tied with Yamato. At the least, Yamato takes care of me and I've known him for almost 2 months.

"Y/n, you're taking the wrong path." Shikamaru said. I looked up to see the dirt road that lead to my old house. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards the road that lead to his house.

I sighed as he lead me down the road. My mind wandered back to Hana. She was mean and cold, but how was she supposed to do anything else? She did kill our younger sibling after all, and she was trained to be an emotionless Sato. I bet she was kind and gentle as a kid. I barely remember, but I try my best to try everything in my power to remember young Hana, a sweet daughter that anyone would be jealous of not having; if you wanted perfect daughter you wanted Hana.

partner project / you're nothing to me (shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now