chapter eighteen

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I opened my eyes, but it wasn't morning. And I wasn't in the battlefield sleeping like I had been for few previous days or in Suna or even my own bed in my house, I was on a hill sleeping on grass. I saw the stars, they were beautiful.

I laid my hand down. It was cushiony. Cushiony? I'm laying on grass, why...

It was a jacket. A Chunin jacket. I didn't wear a Chunin jacket, but Shikamaru...

I turned my head over. Shikamaru was right next to me, soundly sleeping. One of his arms were slung over my stomach, holding me close to him, his other arm supporting himself a pillow. My eyes widened a bit as I took in what was happening, my cheeks felt on fire, my stomach turned and twisted, and my heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles a minute.

I watched as he peacefully slept. He was always sleeping. But he was right here. And he was...

Shikamaru used to like me.

Did I like him, as well?

I scooted a bit closer to him and wrapped an arm around his body.

I don't know, but he'll always be my best friend.


When I woke up in the morning, I was still in Shikamaru's arms. Embarrassed, I looked up at the sun, trying to calculate the time. It was so late, yet this sleepy head was still sleeping. People were on missions, me and him were supposed to be helping with the Konoha affairs.

I looked up and even though I knew I was supposed to let go and wake him up, I didn't want to.

I drew my arms back and weaved my sign for teleportation, then held Shikamaru. I teleported to my room and placed him on my bed. I laid down next to him and sighed as I watched my intelligent yet lazy friend snooze even after me teleporting him. He slept so peacefully even after sleeping on a hill. Something told me that wasn't his first or second or even fifth time sleeping on grass.

I sighed, shaking my head with a smirk on my face.


"I'm sorry, I've just been so tired with everything, especially the baby... Here's the energy drinks you've been asking for, I Included a large amount for the both of you." I bowed respectfully to the female-sensei with messy black hair and rare ruby-red eyes, the apparent bump in her stomach being an easy hand rest for her.

"It's alright, Kurenai-Sensei, I know things have been a bit harsh ever since the war." Shikamaru said. I looked over at my best friend talking to his sensei's child's mother. He was smiling happily with his eyes closed, a golden glow appearing on his cheerful toothy grin. A yellow-orange sunset dusted the evening, giving off a calm-peaceful feeling in the air. It's been especially around since everyone's been working together since the war's over.

"Thank you for everything, Kurenai-sensei. I hope everything goes well and the baby's healthy." I said with a brilliant smile. I was excited to see the product of her and Sarutobi Asuma, a powerful child at best. "Oh, it's no problem Y/n. You two keep doing well, okay?" She paused for a second, a shocked expression entering he face. "Oh! I think I've finally decided a name! Mirai, it stands for future." "It's a wonderful name." Shikamaru said quickly.

My fingers' grip tightened on the two bottles as we waved goodbye to each other a few minutes later. "Want to come over to my place tonight? I've got dinner plans," I said, walking shoulder to shoulder next to my incredibly smart friend. He looked at the sunset beside of us in the sky and hummed to himself.

"Shikamaru," I said again. I raised my hand and pulled on his Chunin vest. "Don't talk. I'm thinking." He looked up, staring at the clouds as they slowly passed by us. I looked back forward as he dazily looked off and thought about whatever. Could be the baby, could be his father, could be his sensei. I took that as a yes and lead him back to my house. Even though he dreamed about whatever, he seemed very composed and normal in any way walking next to me. He was very mature. He grew up a little too fast.

partner project / you're nothing to me (shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now