chapter 10 (you're nothing to me)

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"You're not good enough, Y/n! Train harder, you stupid whore!" My sensei yelled.

"Y/n, you're a failure to the Hidden Sand. Go back to your stupid friends in the Leaf." A Jounin said, his arms crossed.

"You're a burden to the Sato name, Y/n. No wonder the Leaf wanted you out." Sneered a Chunin from the medical ninjutsu training program.

"Nobody ever loved you, Y/n. You're weird, annoying, and you talk too much for a weak kunoichi. That best friend of yours? Never liked you. You were friends for 3 weeks at most, wasted his damn time." My medical ninjutsu teacher yelled.

They were all right.


Nara Shikamaru was a person of the past. I've been away for 4 years in the Hidden Leaf, and I'm just now returning after training and hiding in the Hidden Sand. I was 12 years old, now 16, almost 17. It's not the same anymore; I realize one thing.

I'm not a kid anymore, I'm a shinobi, a person who fights for myself, and not for the benefit of another. I've realized that friends are distractions, something you get attached to is just a distraction and can weaken you at the worst times. And once I return to the Hidden Leaf, I will not be close to anyone. I will break off whatever I had with everyone.

I think the Sato in me kicked in, and now I understand the reality of this cruel world; everyone for themselves.

I am Sato Y/n, and I am returning to my village.


chapter one


"Welcome back, Y/n." I hear. I turn over to see the slightly taller man, Yamato. He was smiling, arms crossed. He was in his jounin uniform, his head piece on as well.

"Yamato-san." I said politely, bowing my head. "Y/n! Don't be so formal!" He chuckled, stepping forward and wrapping my head in his arm. I pushed away lightly.

"I'm sorry, but I believe you were merely my sister's ex-lover. Must I request to stay professional, Yamato-san?" I said politely, bowing my head with a smile. Fake or not, I flashed it towards him.

"Y/n?" He inquired. He scanned my body, as if to check if it was truly me.

Yes, it was still me. I had my typical hair, today in a ponytail, I had my Leaf headband around my neck, and perhaps my maturity showed not only in personality but in body as well. Slight curves appeared in my body shape, and my outfit was still the typical black and gold with fishnets and raven black gloves.

"Oh, um, then meet me tonight for barbeque, perhaps? I'll bring everyone?" He asked with high hopes.

Should I go?

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it." I stated, a blank expression across my face. What would happen if I re-met with all of my other classmates? Would something happen to my emotions? My brain?

"Oh. Well, we're still going, so if you want, you can show up." I gave a sweet, plastic smile. I realized how terribly ugly it would've looked, and wiped it away.

"Goodbye, Yamato-san." I began to walk away. I heard his sigh, then him going in the opposite direction.

"Goodbye Yamato Ni-san..."


My old place was dusty, and there was nothing different than four years ago. Only one thing differed from when I was 12, and it was 4 pieces of tiny paper, all in the same sloppy handwriting on the bedside table.

partner project / you're nothing to me (shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now