chapter fourteen

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"Every shinobi Chunin or higher is going to the Hidden Sand for the war to commence in five days. Please leave as soon as possible, travel will take around three days." Everyone nodded to the Hokage's words, even though they probably didn't want to accept them.

But I can't run away from this. I need to face it head on, even though it's a scary thing to realize. War. Everyone desperately fighting against this "Madara Uchiha." Who is this person, impersonating Madara?

Tsunade's pigtails bounced off of her back as she pumped her fist into her hair. Everyone followed, cheering in determination. Then I watched as everyone scattered, probably to say goodbye to their families staying behind.

But I didn't have anybody to say goodbye to.

I instead went home to collect some of my memorable things. But as I scanned my house, I saw nothing I needed. My kunai was all packed in my satchel and my blade was clean and sharp. When I looked around it, memories of me and my sister flooded back in. Yamato had taken my sister's old house and basically signed to be my guardian, even though I didn't need one. I didn't have one while in the Sand.

I hopped off. I need to try it...

I pictured the Hidden Sand gates in my head as I weaved the hand sign. Hopefully I can make it this far, if I'm successful, then I can teleport from village to village during the war, and I really need that skill. I have to push myself.

I spread out my chakra all over my body, and then all of a sudden, wind was pushing harshly against my jacket and pants.

I breathed heavily. Nervous to open my eyes, I stood still for a second. Had I done it correctly? If so, I can use it. But my chakra is so depleted that I don't think I should try this far of a distance with two people.

I slowly allowed my eyes to see the scene before me. It was the front entrance of the Hidden Sand, and before me was the woman with the giant fan and a cocky smirk on my face.

"Why're you looking so weird, Y/n?" Temari asked.

"Uh, well uh..." I stood up straight scratched my head with my finger. "Was testing teleporting and... yeah." She chuckled a bit. "Well, the war won't officially commence in five days, so make sure to do everything you need to do before we leave now." "Yes, Lady Temari." "Drop the formality, Y/n. I hate it." She shooed me with her hand that was resting on her fan.


Those next five days went by quickly. It was almost like I had been living in the Sand again. Although the village held great memories, there were many people that didn't like me here.

After Gaara's determined and moving speech, everyone threw their hands furiously into their air. Lord Gaara was the Commander of the Fourth Company, so right away when he went down to us on his Sand, he exclaimed, "Let's go!", sending us all of us for battle.


Sorry about the short chapters! Some of my writing got deleted so I summarized some portions.

partner project / you're nothing to me (shikamaru x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant