never existed

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"Cami! Non possiamo avere una ragazza abita a nostra casa!" (We can't have a girl living in our house!) I watched as Camilla's brother yelled at her about my being here. He mustn't think I can speak italian.

"perche no?! ho vissuto a sua casa per sei mesi!" (why not?! I stayed at her house for six months.) Camilla yelled back. I was currently sitting in the living room of Camilla's home on Rome, much different to how my house was in New York. I watched as her brother became even more aggravated and retaliated back with more smart-ass comments that he must have assumed I couldn't understand.

Suddenly the front door opened and shut and I feared their parents were about to walk into their fight. Surprisingly, it was another teenage boy.

"Camilla. Per favore! Non voglio un ultra sorella. Sei mia sorella e tu sei mia unica sorella. E non parlo bene inglese!" (Please! I don't want another sister. You are my sister and you are my only sister. And I don't speak good English!)

Camilla scoffs as she crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. Looking over to me and shakes her head. "È stupido!" (He is stupid!)

I laughed and watched as Niccolò furrowed his eyebrows at my understanding of his language.

"Molto. Camilla, se non posso abitare con tu e tua famiglia, é non importa. Posso ritornare a mia casa." (Very. Camilla, if I can't live with you and your family, it doesn't matter. I can return home.)

Camilla opened her mouth to protest but Niccolò was concerned about other matters apparently. "Parli italiano?!" (You speak Italian?!)

"Si ma non tu parli bene inglese." (Yes but you don't speak English well)

Camilla's face starts to relax as she notices her brother interested in my abilities. Her face preparing for a plead.

"No-no. I am- ok? Not great. Everyone else is good at English though." Niccolò argues as his sister watches in amusement.

"Mum and Dad already said yes, Nico. So you don't really have a choice anymore." Nico snaps his head to Cami, processing what she just said before lowering is head back down to me. He sighs and closes his eyes.

"Ok-ok! Certo, non mi interessa." (Sure, I don't care.) He stormed off.

Me and Cami stood in silence for a few short moments. I looked to her and she looked back at me smiling. I smiled and shrugged before she stifled a laugh and motioned for me to follow her down the hallway.

Well, this will be fun I guess.

. . .
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Thank you for your continued support of Never Existed even though I hate it!
- c

never existed :: niccolo rossiWhere stories live. Discover now