ten: reality

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MAR 02 2020
"This is terrible!" I screamed and jumped off of the couch.

"You're telling me?! I'm stuck with you for the next month!" Niccolò groaned. Let's just say, despite our mutual truce over text, he and I were no further acquainted than before.

"No, no, no this cannot be happening. I did not fly all the way to Italy to spend 90% of my trip in an apartment with the worlds most annoying 17 year old." I pressed my fingers to my temples, rubbing them as I paced up and down the hallway in front of the living room.

Niccolò scoffed to which I sent him a glare.

"What was that about?"

"You! You're complaining like it's my f*cking fault you're here!" he exclaimed, "I never wanted you to stay here, in fact I remember being against you're arrival, Isabella!"

How in the hell am I arguing with this boy at the moment?

"You know what, Niccolò? Screw you." I rolled my eyes, walking to kitchen.

I could feel his presence following me and I turned to see him sat at the breakfast bar.

"What now?"

"What do you mean? I thought we were gonna screw." The devil must be jealous of the smirk that this boy obtains because it seems that it never leaves his face.

"Wow, how you're english has miraculously gotten better in the past month!" I sarcastically spat, opening the pantry and grabbing the salt.

Niccolò did not respond, instead he just watched as I grabbed ingredients and utensils to begin dinner with amused eyes. I opened the freezer in search for frozen pasta which thankfully there was some ravioli and some polpetti (meatballs) and sauce for me to cook.

Switching on the stove, I grabbed filled up a pot with water and placed it on top, waiting for it to boil. "What do you think you're doing?" I snapped around at the sound of his voice to face Niccolò.


"Ah, no. I refuse to allow an Austral- sorry no- Western girl to cook my favourite pasta."

"Ugh! Fine! You cook it Niccolò." I dropped the pasta on the counter and stormed off. Sure, it was more than dramatic but I was sick of this boys complaints.

I opened the room that I had called mine for the past month and flopped onto my bed. Laying and staring at the ceiling, I began to wonder when and where everything went wrong.

To recap, Camilla had gone with her parents to go greet her grandmother for the first time since she had came back from the US. Currently, Italy is in a state of crisis because of this sudden corona virus. This means no Timothée coming, no going to school to see my friends, Chiara and the others, and basically no going anywhere. We've been advised to just stay home when we can. Despite these suggestions, the Rossi's stubborn nature ignored it and decided to take Cami to see her Nonna in Naples for a couple days

So now here we are, just finding out how we're about to go into lockdown, Nicco and I bickering about how his parents still won't come back for another two days. I'm not even entirely sure if they'll be allowed home in a couple of days.

And even though the world is falling apart, I can't help but feel a sense of guilt. Not because of what's happening, but because I cannot stop thinking about my relationship and my struggles when people are dying from a virus.

I was still waiting until the 23rd of March to end our relationship, like Jordan recommend me to. I don't know why he did, maybe he thought I'd reconsider or maybe he thought his friend wouldn't be able to handle the break up at the moment. Regardless of his reasoning, I was compliant with his words.

never existed :: niccolo rossiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя