five: reality

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I quickly shut the door to the guest room that I was staying in and sped to the kitchen. I wasn't really on time this morning which is probably not a great start for my first day. Camilla's parents were away on business for the time being so Niccolò was left the car to drive us to and from school exclusively.

Of course these privileges were breached as soon as they were set in place as we didn't hear from nor see Niccolò for a day and a half the day the Rossi parents set off. We later found out Niccolò had taken the car around the city and stayed with a friend in his apartment. I later found out, via Instagram, that the 'friend' was Virginia, Niccolò's fling, and the apartment was a hotel they rented with her dad's big money.

I called out for Cami from the living room scrolling through Facebook. I had become quite comfortable in their home. I yelled a couple more times without hearing any response. I then knocked on her bedroom door with still no response. It was odd, I had come to Cami as quite the early bird, so her not being ready was strange.

Becoming fed up, and worried about my school punctuality, I barged in Cami's door.
"Cami! We have to g-" I stopped myself as I saw her empty room, "go?"

Surely she didn't leave without me, I thought to myself. She couldn't have possibly forgot about me or decided to ditch me, would she?

"Hey- what are you doing in Camilla's room?" I spun around to face Niccolò. He stood leaning against the door frame with an amused look on his face. A clichè fuckboy, if you will.

"Nicco, I don't have the patience for your antagonistic looks."  I spoke harshly and sharply.

"Isabella, I do not have the intelligence for your big words." He retorted smartly. I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Cami?" I asked plainly, ignoring his previous snarky remark.

His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. He scrunched his nose up slightly and tilted his head slightly to the side before darting his blue eyes towards mine in a confused manner.

"What do you mean? She has training this- uhh- this..." He paused to think of the word as I thought about Cami's inability or unwillingness to tell me that she wouldn't be at home this morning. "Morning! She had training this morning! Every Monday in the morning."

"What!? Why did she not tell me?" I squealed which more so came out as an obnoxious shriek.

Nicco shrugged. "I do not know. Get over it. We have to leave now if you want to get there on time."

"Allora." I sighed and followed him to the car which I had only ridden in once since Nicco had been put in charge of it; when I needed pads and Nicco insisted that he drove me.

I hopped in the back seat and Nicco turned to face me from the driver's seat. He quirked an eyebrow and looked me up and down. "Do i look like an Uber driver? Get in the front seat."

I rolled my eyes. "I really don't have the time for your bullshit today Niccolò ."

"I don't see why you can't get in the f-" Fed up with his complaining and just, ultimately, wanting to get away from him as quickly as possible, I slipped out of the back seat and slammed the door before quickly jumping in the front. I folded my arms and sat as far away from Niccolò as humanly possible.

"-front." Niccolò frowned at me, clearly not impressed with the mood I was in. I could tell he wanted to press on how I was feeling but felt relieved when I saw his body relax before starting the car and driving down the street, dropping the subject.

This terrible day cannot be a good omen. First of all, last night my boyfriend was subtly angry at me staying with a boy on an exchange experience. His words sounded like he was trying to guilt me into coming home or making me feel bad for something that I shouldn't have to feel bad about at all.

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