Chapter 4: Bonds

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Chapter 4:


The two set off for the southern part of the Crystal Desert. Isaac felt thrilled for what unknowing challenges were ahead of him waiting to be conquered. And he really wanted to know what a camny was.

Holding a compass in one hand and a map in the other, Chloe was navigating them towards the south.

Looking ahead of him, Isaac got to really see the Crystal Desert for what it was worth. It seemed like an endless ocean of silvery sand that reflected and glittered from the sun making the ground sparkle.

He could see hills of sand all around him and the way the sand blew into the wind made it look like a breeze of diamonds were floating by.

The intake was something breathtaking for him. He realized how much of his dream he was going to accomplish. He always felt that there was some sort of destiny held for him and this was it. Looking ahead he was eager and ready to help out Chloe and Yhoni be safe from the Red Serpents.

"How long will it take to reach the southern part of the desert?" Isaac asked.

"I think about two days walking, if I can follow the map precisely, we should be able to find an inn right near the Echoless Hollow," Chloe answered.

"Why is everything around here named something cool? And what is that?"

"It's a cave. It's one of the hotspots for the grand treasure, but all the people who have went in have never returned. It's usually the first place people avoid now."

"I want to go in. We are definitely going in." Isaac said smiling as he couldn't contain his excitement. Before Chloe could say something back she felt something.

"Did you feel that?" She asked skeptically.

"Feel what?" He asked confused. Suddenly the ground began to shake.

"What is going on?" Isaac asked as his voice was shaking from the rattling of the ground.

"The area outside the village is notorious for sandworms, and these aren't ordinary sandworms, they are gigantic, they will eat us in one bite! We have to keep moving!" Chloe shouted as she was being shaken.

The two began to run as fast as they could through the sand, but the shaking wasn't stopping. Something began to emerge from the ground and out of the corner of Isaac's eye he saw the gigantic sandworm ascend from the ground.

It was bigger than two of the buildings back in Yhoni.

"How do these things not attack the town?" Isaac yelled as he began to run for dear life.

"They have their own territory! They don't like trespassers, and our town doesn't intermingle with their territory so we never have issues, but this is the closest I've ever seen one near town!" She yelled back.

The sandworm was moving up in the air and began crashing back down into the sand and began to dig into it.

"Where's it going?" He yelled.

"It's going to try and get underneath us, we have to split up!" She yelled back.

"Okay!" He yelled as he began to run to his right. Chloe split to the left and could feel the trembling begin to lessen.

Isaac wasn't so lucky. He could feel the ground began to move up and down underneath him and it was throwing him off balance. He fell down and wasn't able to get back up from the ground moving so much.

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