Chapter 11: Betrayal

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Chapter 11:


"Are you sure they will be okay?" Athena asked.

"They have Tyr, he is strong. Let us do what we do what we do best and hope we can find some useful information." Zinox answered.

"You're right. Hopefully everyone in Alexandria is okay. Given we saw Azro'kin, this means there must be a betrayal from within." She said.

"I thought we killed him, why is he alive?" He asked frustrated.

"Keep your head in check, Zinox. I know what he did to Azmodius, but we must focus. We cannot fight him as is, let's get in and get out." She said trying to calm him down. They made it to the end of the dark hallway and arrived at a staircase.

"This is odd, I thought there would be some sort of nook or cranny that led to this place, but a staircase?" Athena said.

"Let's approach cautiously. They may have found out about this place." Zinox said. They slowly crept up the staircase and approached the door, which was a normal wooden door, compared to all the other metal doors within the temple.

Zinox stood in front of it and looked over to Athena who nodded at him. He slowly began to open it and could only see darkness. He slid through and could only feel his way around. Eventually he came across a slit in one of the walls and began to pull on it, revealing light. Peeking through, he could see some guards in front of him. It appeared they were inside a fake wall. He slowly moved the wall back and told Athena was he found.

They knew they would have to be careful not to alert any of the guards. Zinox went back in, this time with Athena behind him and he opened the slit a crack once more and peeked out. He saw guards patrolling back and forth and knew that there would be no real opportunity to sneak by unnoticed.

"We are going to have to take them out." He whispered.

"I'll take the one on the left, you on the right." She whispered back. Zinox waited until both guards were turned back from each other and opened the wall. The two quickly pounced on the two guards and put them into headlocks and knocked them out.

Zinox walked over to the wall and put the wall back into place. "We can't forget where this is." He said. Turning back around he examined the area they were in. It was a small room that connected two other rooms. It was gold and red and had pictures of different high ranking officials within the government hanging on the wall.

"Left or right?" Athena asked.

"Right." Zinox answered. The two walked up to the door and Zinox put his head against it trying to listen for any sounds on the other side. He made a hand signal to communicate that he heard something on the other side.

"Come in." A voice said from the room. Zinox looked over to Athena who was now nervous. "I could sense you two from the moment you entered here. What did you do, teleport?" The voice said.

Athena nodded at Zinox and he opened the door. Sitting at a big golden desk with all sorts of jewels and gems was Azro'kin with his feet up.

"You two look rough, how long has it been?" He said.

"How are you alive?" Zinox asked angrily.

"Great question, unfortunately I won't be telling you, however, this is a great opportunity to finish you off here and now." He responded slyly. Zinox got into a fighting stance. He had a long unrelenting hate for Azro'kin and was ready to take him head on. Azro'kin took his feet off the desk and got off the chair, he too, was ready to fight. He wanted to get revenge for what happened during the Great War.

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