Chapter 6: Power

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Chapter 6:


"I began hearing weird noises outside after you left and went outside to see what it was. I saw the villagers start to turn into demons and ran back downstairs," Keeza began explaining.

"As I was panicking I heard Gol'za speak and instantly felt scared and nervous. At the same time I felt like I could get my revenge on him, but I knew I was no match, but then I was worried for you guys!"

"I didn't know what to do, none of the monsters I can currently summon are even close in strength to him, but Laila somehow was able to help me summon Stona!" He explained. Zinox and Athena looked at each other. Underneath their hoods was a look of curiosity and confusion. Never have they heard of a summoning monster that was able to help summon a more powerful monster.

"That's... awesome!" Isaac cheered.

"Way to go, Keeza, and welcome to the group!" Chloe said smiling. Keeza blushed and for once since his parents died, he felt like he belonged somewhere. He couldn't help but smile from his happiness.

"Since the coast is clear, why don't you teleport us to Nosgard, Zinox?" Isaac asked.

"I assumed you would say that. The challenges ahead of you can't be solved with my teleporting skill. If I'm not around, you must be able to get around on your own. We will find a place to make shelter for the night and continue to Nosgard in the morning." Zinox explained. Isaac sighed and everyone kept on.

They were not able to find a village or an inn around, so they took shelter under some trees and rested for the night, while Zinox and Athena took shifts on keeping lookout. The morning came quick and the group took off.

After a short while, Nosgard could be seen in the distance, but something seemed amiss. It was being swarmed with demons. Alarmed by this, Zinox and Athena flew towards the city.

"We gotta help them!" Isaac said running after them. Chloe, Keeza and Laila ran with him.

"Where are these demons coming from?" Athena asked.

"I have no idea, it was bad enough we saw Gol'za, but now swarms of demons? This isn't good, I have a feeling Dark has something to do with this." Zinox replied.

"I fear you're right." Athena said. The two swooped in and start throwing down demons. Isaac could see them fighting as he ran towards them. He hasn't seen them in battle so he felt somewhat excited amongst the nervousness.

From within Zinox's clothing, darkness seeped out and began wrapping around the demons that were surrounding him. He clenched his fist and the darkness crushed the demons around him and they all fell to the ground.

Athena punched her fists together, creating barriers of light around them. Each swing she took at a demon would knock a group of them back. Her power was incredible.

Joining the battle, Chloe didn't hesitate to take her spear out and start stabbing at the demons in front of her. She remembered what Spark taught her. Their movements were zombie-like, so they were easy targets.

Isaac saw how she went in and felt like he could do it too. He pulled out his sword and began slashing them down. While he was fighting it felt different from when he was fighting Chloe. This felt more natural to him. Chloe began to cover his back and the two started fighting in sync.

From afar, Zinox saw them and saw how they fought together, thinking that they were a good team. Behind them he saw a giant stone monster running towards the demons. On top of its head was Keeza.

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