Chapter 8: Training

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Chapter 8:


The next day everyone met back in the meeting room anxious on what the plan Zinox, Athena and Spyral had come up with. Some of the Leaders, such as Ken and Paramour were calmer this time around. Spyral took the lead in speaking.

"First off, we have deduced from the amount of demons that have arrived recently that we have roughly eleven months before any real threat will start to arise. That will give us plenty of time to gather our forces and account any attack that will be thrown at us. Thanks to the knowledge of a lot of the Demonics we will be able to fight against their strengths." He explained.

"If I may ask, how accurate is this estimation of time?" The King asked.

"Very, your Majesty. We have taken every possible scenario and amount of demons we could think of. The one that gives us eleven months is the most accurate, we will plan to have everything complete in ten months to make sure we have a month to prepare within the city. This includes evacuations of certain parts of the city for counterattacks and the safety of the inhabitants, of course,"

"Over the course of the next few months we will start building an underground city, beneath Alexandria. We will take all measures to make sure that the people are safe. It is most likely that because we are the biggest city on the continent that we will be the target."

"You plan on putting everyone underground? How will you do that with such limited airflow?" Paramour asked.

"Please leave that to me, I have begun to work everything out in blueprints and will start construction within the next two weeks. I know you all are concerned, but given our current situation this will be our best bet. Please put your trust in us." Spyral said sincerely.

"What shall we do now, then?" Daymon asked.

"Return to your cities, prepare your defenses and your forces for war. We are going to keep an eye on the demons over the next few months to estimate how large a war this is going to be."

"You will send out word for our return?" Ken asked.

"Indeed. Does anyone have any questions before this meeting comes to an end?"

"Are you sure they will attack here?" Paramour asked.

"If they overthrow Alexandria, they own the continent and most likely will be able to dominate the entire planet. I'm sure they will attack here." Spyral said confidently.

No one had any further questions and with that the meeting was complete. One by one the Leaders began to exit the meeting room and exit the castle. Viress and Drak had stayed behind as well as Rose, since she was having Isaac travel with her.

"I will go to the Terrarian Government headquarters. I will return once I have the news." Viress said making his exit.

"Is there something you need Drak?" The King asked.

"I was curiousss about rejoining with the Aquariasss..."

"Ah, if it comes to that do not worry, we will make sure the treaty stays in tact this time. Remember, it wasn't my choice to send them back to the sea."

"I worry about if they agree to help us onccce more. If they ssseee the government isss involved I am afraid they will fight." He said worriedly.

"That is something we will have to get to when the moment arrives. I thank you for your concerns and we will address them, please do not worry." The King said reassuringly. Drak bowed and left as well.

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