Kamiko's Exploration Part 3

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The sound of rain had slowly pulled her out of her slumber. The gentle pitter-patter was enough to pull her towards the window. She pushed a few things around until she could finally reach the windowsill. Kamiko glanced out towards the other side of the road.

"Wonder if someone is home now?" She thought as she climbed down. She took a good look around before jumping off the windowsill. A shiver went up her spine as she headed up the stairs. Each step letting out a loud creak than last until she reached the top.


The blaring alarm forced her back and within moments a crashing sound came from downstairs. Kamiko ran down the hall and opened a nearby door. She pressed herself against the wall before dashing underneath the bed.

The sound of the walls crashing beneath her sent several shivers up her spine. The Trion soldiers screeching made Kamiko's blood race. Excitement and fear coursed through her as she reached for her pocket. But stopped when she heard a voice.

"Yuzuru! Blast them!" the man shouted.

Kamiko crawled from underneath the bed. Pain seared through her as the ground disappeared. Her vision blurred as she slammed into the ground. Her head pounding as the blast screeched in her ears.

When she was able to open her eyes, she could barely see anything. She tried to sit up but wailed as she fell back. She let out another wail as she moved her legs. Tears stung her eyes as she struggled to her knees. Pressing her body upward, Kamiko desperately tried to push the debris away. "Help, please *cough* help!" Kamiko begged as she fell back to the ground.

~ ~ ~

"Oi! Wake up!" a voice shouted as she gripped a soft fabric. She opened her eyes slowly as another voice grabbed her attention.

"Wonder why she's so far from Border?"

"Don't care. I just found her in the rubble after you blasted it," the more aggressive voice said.

"But Kazama-san isn't one to neglect anything," the calmer said as a hand rubbed her back.

Kamiko looked up towards the voices. Meeting two pairs of eyes, she flinched and whimpered as she tried to push her leg against the boy. Fear raced through her as the boy held her close.

"Don't worry. You're Kamiko, right?" the calmer boy asked.

Kamiko hesitated for a bit before nodding. "Do you know Kazama?"

They nodded as he kneeled down and gently placed her on her feet. "Does your leg still hurt?"

Kamiko tried to stand but tumbled over herself. "I'm fine," she said.

"No you're not, ya lil' flea," the aggressive boy said as he lifted her up her shirt.

"I'm not a flea!" Kamiko said as she tried to squirm away.

"Yeah you are!"

"No i'm not!"

"Kageura, shouldn't we at least get her inside?" the calmer boy asked as he stood back up.

Kamiko looked towards him that back at the taller man. "Kageura?"

Kageura tossed her back to the smaller boy. She yipped and clung to the teal eyed boy as he followed after Kageura. She groaned in discomfort as the boy tried to readjust her in his hold. Shielding her as best as he could from the rain. "What's your name?" she asked as she peered up to him.

"I'm Yuzuru." he said.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Kazama told us about you."

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now