Small Cries

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Everyone was panting. They had barely made it out of Headquarters. Kamiko looked around to make sure everyone was there. She had made a straight beeline to the medical wing and got as many people to follow her. She had come across Narasaka and Arafune as well in the wing. They tried to leave quickly so that the higher ups wouldn't send any agents to protect them. "Is everyone okay?" She asked from her spot on top of a building.

"Yeah," Arafune said as he motioned for her to get down. "So we're going to make our way to Tamakoma branch? That's quite the trek there."

"Then let's start heading out. We'll be an easy target if we stay too close." Narasaka added.

Everyone nodded as she slid off the roof. Landing next to Narasaka, she quietly took the lead. They were no doubt safe from the Neighbors at this distance, but she still checked the area. Kamiko had switched triggers during the chaos but it was necessary. Quiet chattering had calmed her nerves a bit. She dreaded making the trip back to base. Since she would have to do it alone but she tried to bury that fear as she slid her hand across the ground. 'Should be checking for the enemy. Not for anymore civilians.'

Two familiar Neighbors came up in her radar. She couldn't tell who and decided to check it out. Motioning for everyone to stay quiet, she rounded the corner and came face to face with familiar white fluffy hair. "Yuma," she called out quietly.

The boy looked over and smiled, "Hey Kamiko. What are you doing out here?" He asked with a voice that was able to calm her a bit.

"We're heading to Tamakoma branch," she said as Hyuse rounded the corner with more agents. "You?"

"Kamiko, who are you talking to?" Arafune asked as the group came from around the corner as well. "Oh, Tamakoma! Lucky break!"

"You guys heading to our branch for cover?" Kyosuke asked from his spot beside Reiji.

"Yeah, is it safe to go there?" Narasaka questioned.

"It is. We'll be your guide." Reiji answered. A relieved sigh rippled through the crowd as Kamiko snuck away. This couldn't have gone any better, now she just needed to gather as many people as she could and the fight could be more in Border's favor. She switched triggers again, picking up speed as she headed back to base.

"Kazama," she called out, hoping that he would answer. "Are you okay?"

'Oh great, you're still alive.' Kikuchihara answered.

"Kuki? Are you okay?"

'We're doing fine.' Utagawa answered. Fear started to rise within her. Why wasn't Kazama answering her?

Almost on cue Kikuchihara spoke up, 'He's fighting an important battle and can't afford to be distracted right now.'

"Alright," she said as she jumped onto the buildings. "I'm heading back inside to try and help more people get out."

'Got it! Please be careful.' Utagawa said.

"Roger." With that Kamiko jumped from building to building. Picking up speed, she thought about where she should go next. Footsteps from behind her pulled out of her thoughts.

"Wanna ride on my back to base?" Yuma, who was now beside her, asked.

"Wha?" She questioned, nearly falling off the roof. Though Yuma caught her before she completely fell. "Why are you here?"

"We were ordered to accompany you with your search for any more personnel," Four-eyes said.

Hyuse and Chika nodded. "It's too dangerous for you to go alone," Chika added.

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now