Wandering Thoughts

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She was grateful that Amo didn't press on for any details of her lie. Bonus for her was that Amo had to attend this 'school' thing. So she was able to leave and wander the city. Just about everyone kept her away from the city except for the few times that she managed to accidentally escape from Border.

It had been a warm day out and the city was extremely packed. Kamiko tried to focus on specific stores that seemed to be popular. Something to stop the voices in her head from growing. It felt like every step that she took they just got louder and meaner.

The sun was falling above the city. Looking up, she hissed a bit in pain. The medicine might've been wearing off soon but she didn't reach into her bag. For once, pain was useful. Plus she didn't really have anywhere to nap or anything to eat. "Maybe someone's giving out free food?"

Your Neighbor friends are in Border HQ and you're looking for food. You are a terrible person.

She tried to ignore them like she has been doing.

Tachikawa must've seen everything as a liability. Including you, if he left without a second thought.

She rounded another corner. Not crossing the streets, She desperately looked for someplace to get something to eat. The stinging pain in her side was quickly growing worse. Frustrated, she activated her black trigger. A sense of relief washed over her as the pain faded away. She was just about to keep walking when she heard some noise in the alley next to her. Making her way into the dark alley, she saw two men fighting over something that she couldn't really see.

The dirtier of the two was struggling and clearly looked more terrified. 'I guess he's homeless.' She watched for a few more heartbeats before the other man pulled out a knife. Kamiko gritted her teeth and launched at the cleaner man. With her claws extended, the other guy tried to push her off. But thanks to her trion body, she was much stronger than him.

They landed on the ground with a thud. She bit into the man's shoulder as the homeless guy watched from the shadows of the dumpster. The man had managed to toss her off of him before she could slash his shoulder. Kamiko slammed into the same dumpster. About to lung at the man again, a voice stopped their fighting.

"What's going on here?" Another man, a voice she swore she recognized, asked. The man flinched as the voice grew closer. Several footsteps told her that the man wasn't alone as she and the homeless man pressed closer to the dumpster. But the other man bolted away from the group. "That was weird," the man said as he came into view. Arashiyama? She vaguely remembered him from when she fell off the roof of Border.

"It's you," she said loud enough to hopefully get his attention. He turned towards them and sighed with a smile. "Are you two okay?"

She nodded and looked towards the homeless man, who was eating a fruit. She guessed that's what they were fighting over. He stood up with a nod and headed off. "What were you causing a ruckus about?" Arashiyama asked as she walked over to him.

"That guy was picking on the homeless man. So I fought him," Kamiko said with a smile.

"In your trion body? Didn't Kazama tell you not to fight people in your trion body?" A woman, Kitora, asked with a tone of disapproval.

"Someone was getting hurt. So I stepped in to protect him. I don't see why you sound like that." Kamiko didn't like her tone at all.

"That goes against Border regulations regardless. That could result in instant termination. Surely Kazama told you that much." Kitora continued on with a slight smirk.

"Does it matter? I'm not an actual agent," she groaned as Tokidea walked up to her. He lifted her up as another person, Satori, walked into the alley.

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now