Night filled with Fear

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Narasaka's P.O.V

She laid curled up on the couch. Kazama had dragged Miwa to an important meeting that only a few captains were called for. Yoneya and Kodera had left earlier in the evening. He looked at the clock; Four-thirty pm. He sighed as he continued his work. Ten minutes barely passed by when he heard a quiet noise. A whimpering sound. He looked over his shoulder. The small girl was curling into a tighter ball. She was shaking. He sighed and turned towards her.

Kazama's words echoed through his head. 'Apologies if she disturbs you. Recently she's been having a lot of nightmares. She should stay asleep until I come and get her.'

He sighed and pulled out his headphones. He set up his phone to play some soothing music and walked over to the child. He gently put one earbud in and started playing the music. He waited for her to stop shaking before he readjusted the blanket. He sat beside her for some time before going back to his work. He needed to study for his upcoming tests. He didn't have time to waste.

Narasaka didn't notice how long he had been working. Hell, the mountain of papers seemed neverending. A sudden series of vibrations made him jump. Instinctively, he looked towards his leg and noticed Kamiko had pressed his phone to his leg. He sighed as she looked up with tired eyes. She handed him his phone and he answered. "Narasaka here."

"We have emergency defense duty," his captain said.

"Right now?"


"What about Kamiko?"

"Kazama said it would be wise to start getting her used to Border's way."

"Already huh?" Narasaka said as he spared a glance. "I thought she was supposed to be asleep until he got back."

"Things came up."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

He hung up and noticed she was staring at him. He stood up and organized his desk. "Put your shoes on, we're going to the restricted zone." He said.

"Why?" She asked and tilted her head.

"We're going on defense duty."

"Okay!" She said and raced to the door. He froze. Something wasn't right. Pain shocked through him. He gripped his arms and crumbled to the ground. His lungs burned as he let out several pained coughs. He felt cold. Wait why was he in pain?! He was just fine. He saw it. He saw them. They weren't in the squad room they had been left?! He blinked.

He was outside. A pool of blood took up most of sight. Near the edges he saw glimpses of Kamiko fighting. 'What happened? Why is she fighting?' He thought, reeling from the memory. He glanced down at himself. His vision beginning to fade he could see that he had been attacked. Fresh wounds littered his torso, arms, and legs.

"Stop fighting and let's go!" A man demanded.

He heard the individual and Kamiko continued fighting. His vision faded again and silence welcomed him. 'What happened?' He heard his thoughts loud and clear.

"Don't you remember?"


"It's your job to do it." The voice said. The voice was saying it like he was an idiot.

He knew what the voice meant. He and Kamiko were on an emergency defense duty with his captain. His teammates were sent to help others in the zone. They were attacked?

"That's what I would expect from the No. 1 sniper!" The voice laughed.

That's right. He was the No. 1 sniper and was about to be killed. By a sneak attack? Or was it one-on-one? The pain made it too much to remember.

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now