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A Week Later

Everything was extremely fuzzy to Kamiko. She was happy to be okay, but she barely remembered anything during the explosion and when she woke up in the hospital. Kazama's scolding and reassurance was expected, but still welcomed as she felt pretty bad for making him and everyone else worry like that.

Kamiko sat on Tachikawa's couch. She wished Izumi were here. However, thanks to the invasion, he had to go to the hospital for a few days. Along with several others. Kazama and his squad had left with Kiki to do some more investigating. So she was stuck with them. Even though her own injuries were still healing, Kazama was sure that she would be fine. He said he was going to be gone for at least three days, so she would be in Tachikawa's care until then.

She was blessed and Yugia decided to be quiet for a while. Or that might've been because she got caught stealing from him and learned to stop talking around her. Either way she was still bored out of her mind. "Tachikawa?"

"Hmm?" He said with his face still planted into his desk.

"Can I go walk around for a while? I'm bored," she pleaded. Sliding off the chair and making her way over to the adult.

"So we're no fun huh?" Tachikawa laughed and turned to her. She felt a bit guilty but she was being honest. "Fine, but take these with you just in case you can't come back in time to your meds." He grabbed her bag and put her medicine in it. She held her dragon plushie close as Tachikawa put her bag on. "Don't get lost and leave the building!" He said as she left the room.

"I'll try!" She said as she walked down the hall. She couldn't promise anything with the streak that she had. At this point getting lost was her specialty. Only her steps kept her company as she looked around for anyone to talk too or to just hang out with. "Maybe I'll meet someone new again."

She walked around the halls for a while but was met with mostly silence. Not much of a surprise, everyone was probably really busy with the amount of people that got hurt. Her mind drifted back to the pretty agent who pulled her out of the rubble. "Nozomi Kako..." Even the name was pretty. Even with a foggy memory, she was sure that it must've been that pretty agent who took her to Tamakoma.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone's leg. Biting back a groan, she looked up and saw Amo. "Big bro! Where have you been?" She asked.

Amo knelt down and ruffled her hair. "Nowhere."

"But after you left I couldn't find you and you didn't come back like you promised." She didn't mean to whine. If anything she was happy that he was safe and not in the hospital too.

"Sorry...they didn't want me fighting amongst the other agents,"he said as he stopped messing with her hair. He looked upset. "I tried to get back to you guys. I promise I did."

Annoyance bubbled inside her. "Why are your bosses so mean! We needed your help and they just left us there!"

Amo looked a bit shocked, "N-No, they don't mean to be. I-I-I'm too strong and they think I'll hurt and scare everyone during the invasion." His voice was a bit quiet.

"I'll beat them up for you then! Just show me where they are!" She promised as she patted his head back.

"That's sweet but you don't have too. I'd rather paint than cause a fuss." He said as he stood back up. "Do you want to paint with me?"

"Sure but i'm still going to beat them up though." With Amo leading the way, her mind drifted to the best ways of beating his bosses. Once they got to his room. She remembered the picture from last and noticed it wasn't there anymore. Dismissing it, she sat on the floor next to Amo's bed. He brought out the paper and paint. "What are you going to paint?"

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now