Scathing Sunrise

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She hadn't felt so exhausted and hungry in such a long time. She had been on her own for three days now. Maybe staying with Arashiyama would've been a good thing. She thought about finding someone to possibly stay with. Izumi came up in her mind. The blonde would probably flip if he learned that she was out here by herself. Though if she was being honest, she really wished he was there with her. It was better than being in the park all by herself. Usually she was fine being alone. It used to happen so often before Kazama and the others came. Now....everything she used to do felt weird.

So many people had scolded her or got mad at her for no reason! There was never anything wrong with what she was doing! If anything, they should've thanked her like everyone back at home! Her face felt warm. Pressing her hand against her cheek. Tears were racing down her face. Even more disgust and anger boiled within. Glaring upwards, she let out a scream before jumping off the bench and took off. Exhaustion had quickly left her as she headed up the road.

She ran down the road for what felt like forever. When her legs finally gave out, her tears didn't stop as she landed in the cold, damp grass. The burning pain throughout didn't make anything any better but it was better than thinking about everything. She wondered what Kazama and Kalin would think about her. Pathetic? A pain? Would they be upset? "N-No..." she groaned as she tried to push herself up. They gave out under her. " for a moment." She whimpered as she closed her eyes.

A gentle music woke her up. Her body went frigid. She was outside when she closed her eyes. Two people were talking quietly in front of her as she looked around. Inside a car! One of them noticed her, a woman, she turned and smiled. "Hello there sweetie."

Silence. If there was one thing she picked up since she has been in Mikado city was to not trust people outside of Border. Though she still didn't really understand why people kept telling her that. Right now she felt a massive wave of unease and fear throughout her.

"She's awake?" A man asked.

The woman smiled and nodded. She noticed her bag was still by her side. Kamiko gripped it tightly as the woman spoke. "No need to worry. We're taking you to the police so we can find your family."

Kamiko didn't know why her body reacted the way it did. The only thing that was in her mind was running away from here. Though everything went so fast, she did believe it was actually happening. The car door that she was closest flew open the moment her hand touched the handle. Her feet had launched her out of the car and out into the open. Another car was coming but she didn't stop running until she was in the bushes. Their screams for her to come back were nearly muffled by the horns of the cars behind her. Heart pounding and ears ringing, her body had hardly noticed that she was sliding downwards to another street. Scrambling to her feet and bolting off onto the road. The base was in view but not at all close. Screeching sounds came from behind her. Whipping her head she saw the lady in the car coming after her. She ran as fast as she could. She needed to get to base. She'd be safe there!

"Wait!" The woman called out. Kamiko ran into another bush. Panting as the pain quickly began growing again. She only ignored it and ran faster. Faster! Faster! Her thoughts were whirling. She tripped over her own feet but quickly got back up. Shooting out of the bushes, she looked for the base once again. Bag gripped tightly, she kept the base in her sights! Barely noticing the hard ground against her bare feet. Everything blurred past her as she ran down the street with several houses.

The base was getting closer and she didn't see any cars. She tripped in front of someone's house. The pain was so bad that she just wanted to scream and cry. With a shaking hand, she reached into her bag and grabbed one of her triggers. She didn't care anymore. She just wanted it to stop. "Tr-Trigger....on."

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum