Anything but Lonely

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Izumi's P.O.V

He let out another sigh as Yosuke and Midorikawa looked back towards him.

"You okay Izumi?" Midorikawa asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said as he looked back towards the small child curled up in his arms. "This kid is gonna be the absolute death of me."

"It's still quite amazing that she got so far on her own," Yosuke said as he started walking backward.

"It's not so amazing that she nearly died like four times today," Izumi shot back, annoyed.

"I didn't say it was."

"I'm just glad that someone was nice enough to save her from the river," Midorikawa said as he started walking ahead a bit.

"But that same person left her at the park while another creep watched her. Had Shuji not come, who knows what could've happened," Yosuke said, his tone more worrisome than usual.

Izumi had to agree and coupled with the fact that in both cases Kamiko described it as if she simply wasn't aware of her surroundings really bugged him. He'd assume that most parents would have been taught their children stranger danger and other ways to keep themselves alive.

"Well, Shiori did tell me that Kamiko did stand her ground pretty well when Tamakoma was attacked by Neighbors the other day. You came not too long after so we can at least assume that her parents focused more on defending herself from more prominent dangers," Yosuke tried to reason before Midorikawa spoke up.

"How prominent are Neighbors beyond Mikado city? Kazama has been so tight-lipped about everything that we know nothing."

"That's actually been bugging me a lot," he said as they arrived at his front door.

"The possible threat of Neighbors beyond the city?" Yosuke questioned.

"No," he said as he pulled out his key. "Why is Kazama keeping the situation so quiet?"

Midorikawa and Yosuke went silent as a cool breeze swept by. He was brought out his thoughts when he heard a loud yawn come from Kamiko. "Look who decided to finally wake up," he teased as she looked up at him with tired red eyes.

"Oh~ shortie finally decides to rise from her slumber for dinner," Midorikawa joked.

"Huh? What?" She questioned before shivering from another gust of wind. "It's cold."

Izumi quickly grabbed his key and unlocked the front door. Walking in they were greeted by his mother. He closed the door as the other two greeted her.

"Thanks for having us, ma'am," they said.

"Welcome boys!! Dinner should be ready soon," she said before her eyes rested on Kamiko. "Oh is this the little one you were telling me about Kōhei ?"

He nodded and gently placed Kamiko down, but she clung to his leg almost immediately. Though he guessed that it was out of exhaustion rather than pure fear. He kneeled down to her height and gently pressed a hand to her back. "Go on. She's super nice. I promise," he said as his mom kneeled down to her height as well.

"It's nice to meet you, Kamiko."

Kamiko was quiet for a moment before giving his mom a tired smile. "H-Hi, th-thank you *yawn* for having me," she said.

Everyone let out a laugh as he picked her back up. "You had a very eventful day, right Ka-shrimp."

She nodded as she turned to look at Yosuke and Midorikawa, who had already taken their shoes off. She waited for a moment before doing the same. "Izu, my shoes are still wet," she said once they were off.

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now