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/two updates within a week? Who am i?/

"You need to rest and relax."

I looked at my hand.

"Where's my ring?"

He looked down.

"It's in the museum."

"No. Bring it back."

"It's evil magic-"

"It's not evil. You can't take it away from me."

"Jackie, please-"

"No! It's mine."

He sat there silently.

"Fine I'll get it myself."

"C'mon Jackie. That ring has brought nothing but trouble."

"It was my mother's ring, I'm not giving it up."

"I had AbIgail inspect it and It's too powerful to be carried around. You could walk straight through the barrier with that ring. When you're ring is outside of the barrier it has too much power."

"I don't care it's my ring!"

"I'm sorry but it's locked up for the sake of all of us."

I looked away from him and looked straight forward with a blank face. I started to get up. I the pain from my abdomen tripled and made a sound, but I pulled through it.

"Jackie, stop!"

Ben reached over and pushed me harshly down onto the bed again. I looked a him as if he was crazy. How dare he put his hands on me like that.

"I want to be alone in my own room."


"I want to be alone in my own room," I repeated cutting Ben off.

His hand went to the trim of my shirt and started pulling it up.

"What are you doing?" I asked obviously ticked off and pulling my shirt back down.

"Checking your bandages. You could've popped your stitches and reopened your wound," he said looking equally upset.

He pulled up my shirt and there was blood on my bandage.

"It's not supposed to be bleeding," he said sounding worried.

He picked me up bridal style and the pain seared through me. The pain made me cry and I buried my head into Ben's chest. He ran out into the hallway holding me. My hand went to my abdomen and it was wet. Blood was covering my hands. I panicked and groaned through the pain. There was a ringing in my ears and I started to feel woozy. I was laid on a bed. I wasn't paying attention to anything except Ben. My eyes trained on his as he watched me.

A doctor turned my head towards him and shone a light at my eyes. I moved my hands from my wound and Ben's eyes went wide. I looked to my hands and they were covered in blood. I look at my abdomen and blooding was pooling out. I was so scared. I couldn't say anything but I wanted to scream out for help. More people came in, all of them in blue clothes. The people started talking to Ben but his eyes never left mine. They grabbed his arms and he screamed out to me. Through the ringing I heard him scream my name.


When I woke up It was pitch black in the room I was in. I was in the hospital on campus. Ben was holding my hand and laying next to me in a chair with a large foot stool. I squeezed his hand and let go. I lifted up my shirt to see new bandages. It hurt but it was bareable. I heard Ben move and looked over to see him looking for my hand. I placed my hand in his and he stopped moving. He pushed himself up and his eyes went wide when he saw me awake. He immediately got up and came to my side. He kissed my forehead.

"You're up," he said.

I nodded growing tired already.

"I love you," Ben said kissing my hand.

"I love you too," I croaked out.

I cleared my throat. I blinked slowly and Ben moved his chair and ottoman closer to the bed. He kissed my hand again and I turned towards him, grimacing in pain.

"Don't strain yourself," he said.

"I'm fine," I told him.

He brought my hand up to his cheek and left it there. I ran my hands through his hair as much as I could until I fell back asleep.


I woke up and the windows in my room brought light in. I looked around and Ben was sitting up in the chair next to my bed. My hand was sitting on my bed. Why wasn't he holding it? Wow I'm really needy. I guess it just seemed weird. I sat up and Ben looked at me. He didn't say anything. He stood up and went to the doors of the room locking them.

"What are you doing Ben?" I asked.

I backed up against my bed post getting scared. I had a feeling this wasn't Ben. He put his hand up to his neck and pulled off a necklace.

"Before you say anything please just let me explain," Quinn said.

"What are you doing here! Where's Ben?"

"He's in the closet. I didn't do anything, I just want to go home with Celia," he said.

"She's in jail for attacking us."

"She attacked you?"

"That's why I'm here," I explained.

"That's not what I'm here for. Where is she?" He asked.

"I'm not telling you."

"Jackie I really don't want to hurt you. Just let me take her and go home and you won't have to deal with us. Show me where she is."

"I can't even stand Quinn! I can barely move without pain! How am I supposed to show you?"


He hit his head with his hands.

"I just want her back can't you do anything?"

"No, I can't."

He put the necklace back on and went to the closet of my room. He opened the doors and Ben was tied up on the floor unconscious. He pushed to necklace onto Ben's arm taking more blood and he left.

"Ben!" I yelled out to him.

I started to sit up and go to him. My stomach hurt like he'll but I didn't feel anything break or pop. I crawled over to him slowly. When I got to him I dropped to the floor and sat in pain. I lifted my shirt to check my bandage, no bleeding. I sat up on my knees and grabbed Ben's face.

Daughter of Hans; Ben FlorianWhere stories live. Discover now