II. A Friendly Welcome

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Saturday, 8:50 P.M.

They stood next to the building that was barely stood up, the heat continued to radiate even without the fire. Carlie with her accusation against Rhydian. Rhydian glared at her and said in defense, "No I didn't! I hardly know you all!"

"Which is why it makes you the likely suspect!" Carlie said, her arms crossed against her chest. "So why did you do it murder? Were you hired to kill her? How did you know we'd be here?"

"Calm down, Carlie," Tessa said as she pulled her back.

Rhydian shook his head and looked at the group pleading, "I don't know. I was just here at the wrong time. I swear I didn't kill your friend. I saw a fire and came over to check it out."

Anastasia pointed out, "But you don't exactly have a witness with you at the time of the murder though. You're the most guilty suspect at the moment."

"Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?" He asked.

Cliff narrowed his eyes at him, "That doesn't work when you miss with one of our friends."

Zoey continued to watch in confusion and London motioned for her to follow. In the distance stood a body burnt to the crisp, Hannah's clothes burned along with it. The only thing that made it clear that it was Hannah was her necklace and brown boots.

"No. No. No." Zoey fell to the ground, tears pouring down. Penelope-Jane looked at the body in sadness and averted her eyes. Iris knelt down next to Zoey and held her close as she cried.

Miles glanced over the body before turning away. Silence fell over the group for once. The creaking of the unstable building next to them and wildlife was heard in the background.

"I think we should leave before anyone else gets hurt," London suggested.

Zoey sniffed and nodded before standing up, Iris right beside her.

"And just leave Hannah's body here?" Carlie said.

Zoey looked at her with wet eyes. "As much as I'd hate to leave her here, I don't think anything's going to happen to her. She's already... dead."

Miles watched the group that stood unmoved. His phone flashlight pointed at them. "Let's move then and stop standing around like lost pups." He walked off towards the gate.


Saturday, 9:20 P.M.

"You gotta be f*ck-"

"Miles don't you dare finish that sentence," Zoey glared at him.

He mumbled the rest under his breath while remaining eye content with her. Their attention was turned to the gate that stood with iron chains intertwined together. Two massive padlocks connected the gates together.

"I would say we could climb the fence but not unless you want to get scratched with those spikes," Rhydian said, pointing his phone flashlight at it.

"I say we cut the fence and make our own hole," Carlie mentioned.

Anastasia looked at her and said, "Do you just happen to have a pair of wire cutters on you?"

"Well no but I'm just listing some ideas. Do you have any better ideas?" Carlie crossed her arms waiting.

"Actually yes. Maybe there's another gate. Parks always have multiple gates," Anastasia added.

"Who's to say the killer hasn't blocked those exits either?" Penelope-Jane pointed out.

"The same could be said for Carlie's idea too."

"Okay just stop!" Miles let out a sigh. "We'll just spilt up. One group can go with Carlie to find some wire cutters. The other can go with Anastasia."

Penelope-Jane gave an unsure look, "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I second that! We should stick together. The bigger our number the better," Tessa nodded.

London shook his head, "Guys it'll be fine. As long as we have equal numbers in each group will be fine. Besides we need to do this fast before the killer creates another attack."

"Fine. Iris, London, Cliff, and Tess go with Ana. Miles, Rhydian, PJ and me will go with Carlie. Everyone got it?" Zoey said aloud. The group mumbled 'yes' before splitting off.

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